Is The Food You’re Eating Sabotaging Your Workout?

To get the best results , it is important to know what you put into your body before and after your workout.

Whilst protein is important, here is what you should be eating pre and post workout and when to ensure you are getting the most out of your training, fueling your body and optimizing recovery.


The main goal with pre-workout nutrition is to enhance performance by having fuel in your system. Roughly 1-2 hours before your workout, have a smaller meal or snack consisting of a slower-digesting carbohydrate and protein. If you wake up and work out first thing in the morning, something like a banana will be great to have as its quick and easy to eat on the go. Some other ideas include:

  • Eggs on multigrain toast
  • Oats with Greek yogurt
  • Wholegrain cereal with light milk
  • Protein balls (check out our recipe here)


The post workout nutrition goal is to assist in recovery by restoring the muscle glycogen that was lost during training. Around 30-90 minutes after your work out have a meal consisting of a faster-digesting carbohydrate and protein. Some ideas include:

  • Smoothie with protein powder, banana and peanut butter
  • Chicken salad sandwich
  • Stir-fry with rice and a protein source (chicken, beef, tofu)


There is no one-size-fits-all-approach with nutrition and training. You might find you prefer to eat 3 hours before a session so you don’t feel too full going in or you like to have a smoothie before rather than after and that’s okay. The main thing is to make sure you are fueling your body for performance.

Chloe Loukes

Chloe is a personal trainer, marketing student and resident country girl who moved to Sydney from Bathurst NSW. Chloe loves shoes, has a passion for functional training and ventures to try a new brunch spot every Sunday.

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