Making The Switch to Natural Deodorants

ow to make the switch to natural deodorants

How to ditch mainstream deodorants for natural deodorants. It’s not as hard as you think.

Bondi Beauty’s beauty editors answer your beauty questions for this week’s Q&A on how to ditch mainstream deodorants and start using natural deodorants instead.

If you have a question, email us at and we will try to feature your question, and answer fortnightly.

Dear Bondi Beauty,
I’d really like to make the switch from using my general deodorant to a more natural one. However, when I tried this several weeks ago, I found the experience really hard. There was a terrible smell from my underarms when I stopped using my regular deodorant. Do you have any advice on how I can make the switch?
Vicky, Bondi.

Hi Vicky,

Making the switch to using natural deodorants can be difficult at first, but there are ways to help get you through it, by detoxing the armpits.

Detoxing the body from mainstream deodorants can be challenging, and certainly the most difficult part people face is the smell and sweat normally associated when you stop wearing deodorant.

This is because mainstream deoderants, are designed to block the pores of the underarm area. Though favoured by most, as it means no moisture shows, it’s not good for the body, as it traps in toxins which would normally perspire from the pores.

When you stop using mainstream deodorants, trapped toxins begin to come out through those pores, potentially creating a nasty detoxing smell. It can be enough to turn you off natural deodorants. And I’m speaking from experience.

I spent a long 4 weeks completely detoxing from my everyday deodorant. I am now going onto five months of using natural deodorants. 

To help you get through the detox process, there are armpit detoxing products designed to clear toxins faster, by cleansing the pores of the underarm area, all whilst neutralising any bad smells along with it.

Kind-ly The Armpit Detox RRP $24.95 is a clay mask for the underarms. Though it feels a little strange when drying under the armpit, it works well to draw out any impurities in the skin, reducing toxins, helping your body to adjust faster to no more deodorants. It can be used daily for 7 days in a row, and a little goes a long way.

Another natural armpit detox product is the Earths Purities Detox-A-Pit  RRP $24.95 which was created to help anyone making the switch to natural deodorants. It specially formulated to help detox your armpits by drawing out toxins, heavy metals, and correcting the bacterial imbalances in your underarms. 

These armpit detox product are designed to be used one daily for seven days to help you remove bad toxins.

There is a also a natural deodorant you can use, which has been specially formulated to naturally control armpit odour, to help you get through the day.

Black Chicken Remedies Axilla™ Deodorant Paste Original – Signature RRP $16.95 is an effective natural deodorant known to out-perform even the most mainstream chemically laden products. The paste has an intuitive, ocean-inspired scent with notes of Ylang Ylang and sandalwood, which helps to neutralise any odours. 

Beauty Pick of the Week:

ESK Smooth Serum RRP $95

BB writer Rebecca reviews the smooth serum by ESK.

My love affair with glycolic began more than ten years ago, when I had my first micro facial, followed by a glycolic mask. The results were outstanding, with my skin appearing smoother, clearer and glowing. 

Though clinical glycolic products are a lot stronger than over the counter ones, I get excited every time a brand releases an at-home version of this next level facial treatment.

The smooth serum by ESK is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid, contains 3 percent glycolic acid, 1 percent lactic acid and 1 percent gluconolactone. It’s an exfoliating serum which works at night whilst you sleep, to eat through dead skin cells, keep the pores clear of grime and dirt and promotes a healthy skin cell turnover. 

My skin instantly felt renewed the next morning. With a nice smooth appearance, and breakouts rapidly healed as well. I had more skin confidence as well and found myself wearing less foundation than normal. 

As an oily skin type, my skin really benefited from using this smooth serum. Most mornings I wake with a greasy forehead. However, when using the smooth serum, this was significantly reduced.

Though the packaging does say for all skin types, do be mindful if you have sensitive skin. The acid will tingle and could trigger any inflammation or irritation, depending what level of sensitivity your skin is.

Rebecca Wilkinson

Beauty Editor

Rebecca is a freelance content creator and beauty editor for Bondi Beauty. She is a pescatarian, who may yet become vegan. She loves all things beauty, health & travel, has a weakness for coffee and is obsessed with cats and yoga. If she's not answering her mobile - it's probably because she's trying out the latest beauty trend, like massaging crushed pearls into her skin for the ultimate collagen and vitamin boost to skin cells.

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