OMG! A Bikini Body in 2-4 Weeks?!

Summer is just around the corner and it’s only a matter of weeks before it’s time to reveal your bikini body.

Our guest editor and PT Nik Toth reveals her summer body secrets.

If you want to look good for the beach, staying active and eating clean are so important.

Have you been telling yourself for months that you’re going to get in shape before summer, but life just got in the way? If you haven’t exactly put your plan into action and you’ve left your fitness goals to the last minute, rather than making up excuses to watch movies or go out for Friday night drinks, this is a gentle reminder that it’s still not too late to get good results.

Don’t let excuses such as lack of time or other distractions discourage you from starting a new health kick, and get your butt in shape! It’s never too late to start, and if you do the right thing for your body, it will respond quickly. When you implement the right nutrition strategies, you won’t have to live off broccoli and chicken breast to slim down, nor will you have to exercise twice daily to fit into your skinny jeans.

You can fast-track your fitness progress and start slimming down in as little as 2-4 weeks, without eating rabbit food, going on a liquid fast or exercising like a maniac. Here’s how:

  • Change up your exercise routine

Instead of doing cardio, increase resistance training because it will increase your metabolic rate. Running on the treadmill or pedalling on the X-trainer may help you burn calories on the spot, but not much happens afterwards. On the other hand, lifting weights or using your own body weight can help you burn calories for up to 38 hours after you’ve completed your training session. Weight training helps you increase your lean body mass, which means that the more lean muscle you have, the more calories (and fat) your body burns at rest.

Aim for 3-4 resistance sessions per week using weights or your body weight. Choose 6 exercises such as lunges, squats, push ups or burpees and perform them in a circuit with no more than a 30-second rest in-between.

  • Cut the C.R.A.A.P

I’m referring to processed carbs, refined foods, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and packaged foods in general. They don’t contain many bioavailable nutrients and your body doesn’t recognise them as food, so they’ll only contribute to excess weight.

  • Ditch refined sugar

Sugar, especially the refined type, is not a nutrient that your body requires. Even the slightest amount can contribute to increased insulin levels in sensitive individuals and stop you from burning fat altogether.

When sugar is not used for immediate energy, it gets stored as fat. It can contribute to high cholesterol levels, chronic inflammation, as well as obesity and diabetes. Not to mention, it is very addictive and makes you age faster.

Fructose, a type of sugar, has the strongest impact on your weight because it goes straight to the liver, which immediately stores it as body fat. Artificial sweeteners aren’t much better either, as they are chemical compounds that can even stimulate your appetite and promote fat storage.
Instead, use natural sweet spices such as cinnamon, licorice powder or stevia.

  • No need to cut out ALL carbs

In order for our bodies to function at their best, we need to consume a healthy, well-balanced diet, including all nutrients, proteins carbs and fats. If you cut out carbs, you can start to experience fatigue, tiredness, lack of motivation as well as disrupted hormone and thyroid function. Healthy thyroid function is important, as it controls your metabolism.

  • Stay hydrated

When your body is dehydrated, it becomes acidic and your body is a lot less likely to burn fat in an acidic environment. It’s cliche but our bodies are made of over 70% of water. In fact, even your bones are watery, containing over 30%! You should drink approximately 30mL of water per kilo of your bodyweight, with an additional 500mL-1L for each hour of exercise you perform.

Our guest editor Nik Toth is a PT, nutritionist and wellness coach.
  • Avoid alcohol

Alcohol slows down your metabolism for 72 hours after drinking. It places a lot of pressure on your liver, which means your body’s priority is to eliminate it, therefore every other body process gets put on hold, including fat burning and regulating your metabolism. Is it worth it?

  • Eat more protein

Protein raises your metabolic rate by 30% because your body has to work harder and longer to metabolise it. Make sure that every meal contains a form of protein and space out your meals about 3 hours to help your body burn more fat.

  • Focus on macronutrients, NOT the calories

The calories-in versus calories-out theory is old news. There are many other important aspects of health and nutrition that affect your ability to change your body composition, for example the ratio of macronutrients you consume. You should focus on eating a balanced ratio of protein, carbs and fats (around 30-25-45 split) rather than the amount of calories you eat. If you get too little or too much of just one of these, it can seriously set you back from getting results, or it will take longer to get there. When I created the Lean Body Formula, I did it with the perfect macronutrient ratios in mind so that tapping into your fat reserves becomes effortless.


You can find Nik at and @theleanbodycoach on Facebook and Instagram

Nik Toth

Nik Toth is the Lean Body Coach, a nutritionist, personal trainer and wellness coach based in Bondi. Originally from Hungary, Nik’s journey to wellness certainly wasn’t easy. After years of leading an unhealthy lifestyle in Budapest and then as a VIP host in Las Vegas, Nik turned her life around when she fell in love with an Aussie during her travels and had a miracle visit to a naturopath, who cured their ailments with food alone. She ended up moving countries for the third time and found herself studying nutritional medicine in Sydney – and the rest is history. When she’s not helping women transform their bodies, Nik loves travelling and spending time in “health-conscious” Bondi. Above all, she dreams of “inspiring and touching as many lives as possible and changing people’s thoughts about food and their relationships with their bodies.”

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