Tiffiny Hall; The Superfoods of 2018

Move over kale, quinoa and coconut water, there are new superfoods on the block. There are some new cool kids in town, and while they may sound a little on the whacky side, they’re chockers full of powerful nutritional benefits and exotic tastes. Plus who would have thought 10 years ago we would be stirring turmeric into our lattes. Check out these superfood trends coming your way this year.

Get ready to Guac and Roll
It’s time to kiss coconut oil goodbye and welcome in Avocado Oil into your life. While there is no corn chip to dip, this oil alternative is full of antioxidants, healthy fats and a burn point that keeps from destroying nutrients. Also has the ability to improve heart health AND skin quality? Yes, please!

The Purrfect Nut
I am proud to introduce Tiger Nuts. Small and raisin like, they are flush with fibre, vegetable protein, prebiotics and potassium which will help with digestion. They’re also a delish source of magnesium, an essential mineral to keep blood pressure healthy and bones strong as well as being a natural muscle relaxant.

Hemp Hemp Hooray

Hemp got approved last year for consumption due to their amazing super qualities. Not only seriously protein rich, hemp seeds are a good source of omega-3s, antioxidants, iron, magnesium and potassium. Hemp packs a strong nutritional punch, though its distinct flavour is not necessarily appealing to all. Also being spruiked as a suitable alternative for those with nut allergies and has received a five-star health rating by the Australian Medical Association (AMA).

Add it on top of salads, to vinaigrettes, muffins, smoothies, yoghurt, or even try making your own dairy-free hemp milk.

A fish walks into a bar
Fish Oil walked out the door in 2017 and in its place walked in Algae Supplements, the latest super way to get your daily dose of omega 3 fats. Protecting your heart, aiding weight loss, providing anti -inflammation properties as well as cholesterol-lowering benefits, most of us can benefit from a little bit extra of omega 3 into our diets.

Give me more moringa
Classically known in its inner circles as moringa oleifera, this plant is going to take over kale, green tea and matcha with its nutritious qualities. Some call it food, fuel, medicine and tonic – not surprising since the Moringa tree has leaves which feature all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein, especially valuable for vegans. It increases endurance and energy and has anti-inflammatory attributes. It also claims to have more vitamin C than an orange. You can take it capsule form, or buy it powdered, so you can add it to smoothies, soups, beans or dips.

What’s cassava with you
We all know about coconut and buckwheat flours, now it’s time to get ready to get familiar with Cassava Flour, traditionally used in Bali and South East Asia and made from the root vegetable cassava. Full to the brim of Vitamin C, copper and folate, this wheat substitute is Paleo, vegan-friendly, gluten and nut-free. A great source of carbohydrates and a great alternative for those who suffer from bloating, IBS, or gluten intolerance.


If there’s zero chance of you investing your hard-earned dosh on these a little strange newcomers, then here’s a refresher on our favourite energising superfoods that won’t break the bank:


While this isn’t a new entry into the party, peas are only just beginning to be recognized for their true potential. These green bundles of joy can be eaten dry, crispy, steamed, or raw. They’re a great nutrient-packed snack, side, or supplement which are free of allergens things that tend to cause reactions.

Cruciferous vegetables
These include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, bok choy and Brussel sprouts. They have powerful anti-cancer benefits and support the liver’s function of detoxing the body as well as boosting your immune system and supporting healthy vision. Toxins can cause a lack of energy, so by promoting their removal; you’ll certainly feel more energised.


Goji berries

Also known to their mates as wolfberries, don’t underestimate their size for how much power they have. Goji berries all 18 amino acids, as well as mega huge doses of vitamin A, B1, B2, B6 and vitamin E., Guess what Ninja, they are even packed with more iron than spinach and more vitamin C than oranges.



There’s so more to ginger than taste. It’s used for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and as a remedy against bloating, cramping, nausea and other digestive complaints that can lead to a lack of energy. For the daily enhanced benefits of ginger, try adding a smidge to your green juice of a morning, or to your stir-fried veggies at night.



This fruit is a rich source of B-group vitamins; essential for energy metabolism. Pineapple is also an abundant source of the nutrient bromelain that aids in the digestion of protein, by enabling the body to utilise amino acids more effectively.


Coconut water

Coconut water is currently trending as the go-to drink of choice—especially after dehydration due to exercise, alcohol, diarrhoea and vomiting. As a natural isotonic drink, coconut water contains a vast array of electrolytes, critical to healthy blood pH, nerve and muscle function, not to mention the body’s hydration levels. So if you’re feeling tired, consider the fact you could be dehydrated—and try a coconut water

Garlic isn’t just to ward off vampires anymore. It is full of antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral benefits and can help with iron absorption (great for vegans and vegetarians). Not only does garlic help fight off inflammation, it also helps decrease cholesterol. Jampack your next stir fry with garlic and start to reap the benefits.

Tiffiny Hall

Tiffiny Hall is the founder of www.tiffxo.com, an author, expert trainer, journalist and television personality, best known for her role as a trainer on The Biggest Loser, which earned her a Logie nomination for Most Popular New Female Talent.  Currently the resident Health Expert on Channel Ten’s program The Living Room, Tiffiny Hall is one of the highest qualified female martial artists in the world for her age. She is a Sixth Dan Black Belt Master Instructor, a qualified personal trainer with a Diploma of Sports Coaching, specialising in martial arts. Tiff is passionate about creative writing and has published four novels with her next Young Adult novel set for release in 2018. She has written four health books and a cookbook.

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