Keeping your figure through winter

Use our fitness rules for winter to make sure the kilos don’t go up as the heat goes down. 

Some simple strategies can ensure the kilos don’t go on this winter.

Keep an eye on your food choices

When it comes to food, two new patterns emerge in winter. We change the type of food we gravitate towards – salad looks far less appetising on a wintery day than chicken and leek pie. We also tend to eat bigger portions and a few more snacks – after all, yummy food is comforting on a cold, rainy day and it’s not like we are putting on our bikini later.   Ensure the majority are still made for their nutritional content and you are not eating enough for you AND Frostie. Watch your treats do not creep up in size and frequency but remain a conscious – and occasional, decision.

Keep up your water intake

It’s easy to drink the recommended quantity of water in summer – it’s hot, you feel thirsty and water actually tastes refreshingly good. But most people find they have to make a more concerted effort to keep hydrated in the winter months. No, you are not sweating as much, but the body actually still requires water for many metabolic processes, to keep energy levels high and to lose or just maintain body weight. If you find water less palatable in the colder months, try adding a squeeze of lemon or a slice of your favourite fruit.

Be flexible with your training times, just ensure you still do it

Whilst you bounced out of bed during the summer months for your early morning run, beach swim or outdoor boot camp. Be honest with yourself. Are you going to keep this up when the mornings are cold and dark? If the answer is yes… great! you’re officially hardcore. If the answer is maybe… no… or anything in between, don’t let your hard-earned summer gains go to waste. Just plan ahead, change your training time and look for alternative forms of exercise or indoor classes until the warmer months return.

Warm up

When the temperature outside is colder so is your body. You need to be more diligent with your warm up in order to get the most out of your session and avoid injury. Every time you do a cardio, strength or stretching session warm up your heart, lungs, joints and muscles, especially for more intense workouts.

Everything changes….

Most of all remember, whilst winter is coming, spring follows winter and summer follows spring. You don’t want the cold season to slip past in sloth. Then, on that first warm day, you pull out your shorts… but can’t zip them up. Or, you re-join your old training group… but can’t keep up. Keep your butt in action and you won’t have to dread the day you peel off your winter woollies or start from scratch, come spring time.

What’s your favourite exercise for winter?

By Rachel Livingstone Personal Trainer & Owner of The Health Hub

Rachel Livingstone

Rachel is a PT and Maternal Health specialist who found the gym at 14 through her weight lifting dad and never looked back. Originally from the UK she finally settled her wanderlusting feet on the shores of Sydney and can often be found on the back of a paddleboard exploring Rose Bay and the beautiful harbour.

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