Being balanced and present is the current mantra for holistic happiness, and Business Chicks’ 9 to Thrive expo opens the pathway to it this month.
The modern woman will rarely admit to having too many things on her plate. Indeed, she will often agree to take on more when an opportunity to do so presents itself.
In her insightful TED Talk The Pace of Modern Life Versus our Cavewoman Biochemistry, holistic nutrition specialist Dr Libby Weaver shares practical solutions for how the modern woman can bring balance back to her demanding life.
“Not that long ago in the evolution of humanity, women were given the opportunity to do what has traditionally been their fathers’ jobs, but they’ve maintained what were traditionally their mothers’ responsibilities.” says Dr Libby Weaver.
“What has unfolded for most women is a frantic double shift of work day and night, and this never ends.” As a result of this, women encounter enormous physical, mental, and emotional consequences.
Inspired by Dr Libby Weaver, Bondi Beauty’s Georgia Brown shares some achievable goals you will want to turn into habits to bring holistic happiness back to your busy life.
Getting a good night’s sleep is an important part of health and general wellbeing.
Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington says that her secret to success is sleep. “Sleep ranks number one,” says Huffington. “When I get enough sleep, I’m better at everything. I’m better at running the Huffington Post, I’m more creative, I’m less reactive, I’m better with my children.”
“Not only does food play a vital role in supporting our health, it also defines our mental and emotional wellbeing and is a huge contributing factor to what we achieve in our lives,” says Lorna Jane Clarkson, founder of multi-award-winning activewear label Lorna Jane.
“We need to nourish our bodies so that we can reach our full potential in life, and we need to make a commitment to do this every single day, without exception!”
Meditation and mindfulness expert Andy Puddicombe is the founder of Headspace, a digital health platform and iPhone application that provides guided meditation training for its users. Andy believes that all it takes is 10 mindful minutes of meditation each day to experience a sense of focus, calm and clarity in your life.
Exercise Daily
The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, a long-term annual study of nearly 20,000 Australians, has revealed that exercising seven days a week is the best way to keep you feeling healthy, particularly for women.
Cut back on caffeine and alcohol
Dr Libby weaver says “many people warm up with caffeine in the mornings and cool down with alcohol in the evenings.” Continuing this detrimental habit can potentially strip you of your vitality and interfere with fat burning. Caffeine and alcohol have the same effect on the body as stress.
Want to hear more from Dr Libby? Hear her speak about her three-pillar approach to health and happiness at this month’s Business Chicks 9 to Thrive expo, Friday October 23 and Saturday October 24, at Sydney’s Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh.
Tickets still available from