Model and Miss Australia 2012 winner Renae Ayris talks to Bondi Beauty about summer beauty.

From how she gets ready for summer to the importance of staying fit and healthy in the sun, Renae Ayris chats to Bondi Beauty about summer fun.
One in 3 Australians are vitamin D deficient a Medical Express report tells us, something that many experts believe is a result of not enough sun. This statistic is a tad ironic, but it seems Australians have slip, slop and slapped a little too efficiently.
“Why not make the most of the beautiful country we live in!” says Renae Ayris, the Aussie Beauty Queen. And why not? It would be a waste to ignore the beaches, harbors and headlands right at our doorstep.
After all nothing says cardio more than running on the sand (or even worse running up hill on the sand). But how do we get the most from the Australian sun whilst looking after our skin and our bodies.
Vitamin D is “actually a hormone” says Dr Ginni Mansberg and a very important element to our health. It is produced in the skin in the response to sunlight and primarily the body needs Vitamin D to absorb calcium and help bone growth.
Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a range of different health issues says Dr Mansberg, including many cancers, heart disease and immune system maladies.
So how can we get bikini body ready and a healthy dose of vitamin D whilst staying sun safe?
“The sun has a lot of goodness in it and it is equally important to get daily exposure to the sun for many health reasons” says Ayris who is ambassador for new Australian owned sunscreen Solar D that offers the first sunscreen to allow natural absorption of vitamin D from the sun whilst still providing protection.
With the warmer weather rolling in the Aussie beauty says she prefers to workout outdoors to get her body summer ready, enjoying circuit training scenic walks as well as some fitness classes such as barre body and Pilates.
“If it’s beautiful weather my favourite place to work out is outdoors” she says.
But with the Australian sun it’s important to remember proper skin care. “It’s so important to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from skin cancer” says Ayris, “skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers in Australia”.
But according to research by Harvard Health Publications there’s a fine line between being sun safe and vitamin D deficiency. Results show that 1 in 3 Australians are Vitamin D deficient,
The Australian Cancer Council suggests getting a few minutes in the sun everyday is enough to absorb the natural nutrients. However, many of us spend a lot more than a few minutes in the sun during summer which is where sunscreen becomes important.
Ayris looks to the Lorna Jane mantra for inspiration and we agree that it’s the perfect summer motivation a girl could get.
“Lorna Jane has a great Mantra and its Called – Move, Nourish, Believe” she says “And it means exactly what it says – Move your body each day, Nourish your body with healthy foods and most importantly believe you are capable of anything”.
By BB Intern Dominique Tait