How to Actually Find Love on Tinder

7 Tips on How to actually find love on Tinder.

Online dating can be a minefield of cat-fishing, booty calls and sub-par pickup lines.

 But with studies suggesting one in three U.S. marriages start online, and with more than 50 million users on Tinder worldwide, it’s clear the online dating trend is here to stay.

 It is possible to making meaningful, long-lasting connections online, and not all meetings have to be one-night stands.

 It just requires a few tweaks of one’s dating profile and some smart swiping decisions. Here are some tips on how to actually find love on Tinder.

How to actually find love on Tinder
Finding love on Tinder? It can be done.
  1. Ignore sex-talk

Users who lead the conversation with sexual advances are unlikely to be looking for a long-term relationship.

As a general guide, if someone brings up sex before meeting in person, they’ve probably got other ideas than finding love on Tinder.

  1. Choose display photos wisely

Scantily-clad pictures are likely to send the wrong message to other users. Leave something to the imagination and people wanting more by keeping photos flattering, but low key.

Choose one or two nice selfies, and then make the rest candid photos that show interests and passions. Always make sure photos are up to date – no one likes to meet with someone to find out they’re actually 10 years older than their pictures.

  1. Write a bio

It’s hard to making a lasting impression within a few lines – but it could be the key to meeting the right one. Without a bio, all one has to go off is the pictures – and that’s means judgement simply off looks.

Show off a sense of humour and start with a funny line to grab attention.

Then, use an introduction line or a conversation starter to break the ice, but try and keep things unique and somewhat personal – it’s all about standing out and showcasing personality.

  1. Ask thoughtful questions of matches

Once the initial match has been made, it’s time to start developing a connection. Ask meaningful questions about themselves, their passions or their interests.

Questions don’t have to be too deep or philosophical – but an interesting one helps to keep the other attracted and the conversation flowing. It could be as simple as; “what’s your favourite movie and why?” “what’s your idea of a perfect day and why?” or “what’s an accomplishment you’re most proud of?”

As opposed to opening with a simple “hey”, questions such as these get the other person thinking – and revealing more about themselves.

It’s also a good idea to ask someone why they’re actually on Tinder in the first place. Direct to the point, this can weed out any people who may not have the same intentions.

  1. Re-think swipes and don’t be (excessively) superficial

It’s a given that a connection on Tinder and almost any online dating app begins as somewhat superficial – because all that people have to go by is the photos one chooses to upload (and a bio if they have one.)

This can often mean people become excessively picky, and only swipe right once they’ve found the “perfect” match.

Take a step back and reconsider before disregarding someone. If they’re a “maybe,” give them a chance and spark up a conversation – their personality could turn them into a 10.

  1. Don’t meet up with someone immediately

If a long-lasting connection is what is being sought, there’s no point in rushing it.

Take some time, a week or longer, to get to know the match. Question why they’re on the app, and explain hobbies, passions and what’s important to you.

This can help begin to create a meaningful relationship, and it means less meet-ups in person – only meet with a person that you are absolutely certain on.

  1. Message first

Don’t wait for the other person to message first, and long gone are the days where the man always has to make the first move.

If seriously interested, send them a message as soon as the match happens. This shows confidence and keenness – something that a lot of people find attractive.

Choose the opening line wisely, too. Maybe respond to something interesting in their bio, to show you’ve actually paid attention to something other than their pictures, or hit them with a funny pick up line to stand out.


Zoe Bradbury

Zoe is a self-confessed health and fitness fanatic. She loves working out and being active, almost as much as she loves going out for brunch and eating avo toast. If she’s not in the gym, you’ll usually find her online shopping, buying something she definitely does not need, or updating her Pinterest board with travel and adventure ideas for the future. Her other loves include dark chocolate, coffee and cats, all enjoyed while watching bad (or really good?) reality TV


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