A personal trainer could change your life

Don’t go it alone – get a personal trainer to kick start 2017, and you could just change your life.


Here are 5 reasons why getting a personal trainer might be the best thing you could do for your body in 2017:
Knowledge – not matter how many articles you read or You Tube videos you watch it is not the same as having a trained professional analyse what your body needs to achieve your specific goals. A personal trainer picks the best exercises for you, to strengthen your weaknesses and work around your injuries and niggles. They keep it fresh and make adjustments as new information arises. You are paying a trainer for what’s in their head, not just what their body can do – or looks like.

Accountability – personal training was once considered solely the territory of the rich and famous, but it is more and more the choice of everyday people who just want to get more out of their bodies, often in less time. Personal training is an appointment you make just like you do with your dentist or accountant. It tends to make you show up more than a gym membership because you have scheduled it in your day and you’ll be missed and get a call or a text if you don’t arrive.

Motivation – motivation is a transient thing. One moment you’re all fired up and nothing can keep you from your workout and no one can tempt you to that chocolate bar. Other times you just can’t say yes to sweaty exercise or no to edible goodies. Whether you prefer your trainer to Bootcamp boss or gently encourage you, having a trainer is partly about having an external motivator who will help your spirit show up – once you get your body to the appointment. They will not let you off that faster run, challenging exercise, higher weight, or all important last rep.

Structure – you may well train with the best of intentions, but unintentionally lack structure in your individual training sessions, or your overall exercise plan. Your workouts need to include different muscles and planes of movements to create all round strength and avoid muscle imbalance and overuse. Consecutive training days must target different muscles groups or energy systems to allow the necessary balance between stimulation and rest for adaption and progress.

Your team – your trainer is someone who has your back. They are there at 6am waiting for you, even in the rain. They spur you on like your own cheerleader, celebrate your victories like a coach and team mates rolled into one and help you refocus your nutrition when you are losing your way. They can even be a great sounding board. There is no better way than a chat and a workout to clear your head for the day.

By Rachel Livingstone Personal Trainer and Owner of The Health Hub www.healthhub.net.au

Rachel Livingstone

Rachel is a PT and Maternal Health specialist who found the gym at 14 through her weight lifting dad and never looked back. Originally from the UK she finally settled her wanderlusting feet on the shores of Sydney and can often be found on the back of a paddleboard exploring Rose Bay and the beautiful harbour.

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