Some left field tips on how to get that bikini body happening right now.

Summer is not far away, but whether you need a quick boost or to wake yourself up from a long ,cold winter, these tips will kick start your fitness, your self-esteem and most importantly your mind set.
Getting into a bikini isn’t just about fitness and diet – to get your body happening you need the right mind set and there are some easy tips from a self tan to trying on your bikini to help you flick that mental switch.
One of the best ways is to get into your bikini as often as possible (behind closed doors) and take some selfies. Theres noting like the reality of how you feel in your swimsuit, and if you take photos, you will see yourself slimming down over time and get more encouragement.
Bondi Beauty founder Renae Leith-Manos has put her tips here , so click to find out more and get ready for summer right now.