Simple Ways To Get Motivated for Fitness This Winter

There are simple ways to get motivated for fitness this winter.

It is not easy to push yourself out of bed to get motivated for fitness in icy cold mornings. But the incentive of a hot summer body, and some sexy summer clothes is just one way to push yourself.

Here are some practical ways to re-engage with your fitness routine right now.

Set Specific Goals: Set clear and realistic winter fitness goals for the winter season. Goals could include increasing strength, improving endurance, or participating in a specific event or challenge. Having a clear objective helps provide motivation and focus.

Create a Supportive Community: Foster a sense of community by organising group winter fitness activities or challenges specifically for women. This can include group workouts, virtual accountability groups, or online forums where participants can share their progress, provide support, and celebrate achievements.

Choose A Variety Of Workouts: A diverse range of fitness options cater to different interests and preferences depending on your mood.

Activities such as indoor and outdoor workouts, strength training, yoga, dance classes, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) mix up your workouts. A range of workouts will keep your more engaged and helps prevent boredom.

Baby sit someones dog and your winter fitness will take off.

Baby sit someone’s dog: Baby sitting a dog guarantees you will be forced out the door twice a day without even thinking about it, which can be a great – and simple – way to kick off your winter fitness.

Indoor Winter Fitness Options: Winter weather can make outdoor workouts challenging, so indoor fitness options such as group classes, indoor swimming, indoor climbing, or access to indoor sports facilities helps a lot, especially on cold, wet days.

Virtual Fitness Classes: Virtual fitness classes mean you can get fit behind closed doors in the comfort of your own home. Virtual winter workouts can include live-streamed workouts if you need to be held accountable to turn up or they can be pre-recorded classes that can be accessed at any time, providing flexibility for busy schedules.

Self-Care: The benefits of exercise for mental and emotional well-being are well documented, especially during the winter months when seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or low mood may be more prevalent. Winter titness also provides stress relief if you have a lot going on.

Providing yourself with rewards will help with your winter fitness goals.

Provide Incentives and Rewards: Incentives and rewards will motivate you. This could include recording your milestones on a wall chart or in your diary, or putting cash in a jar every time you work out or even regular photo sessions in the same position week after week can be very motivating and make you feel like you have accomplished something.

Educate yourself about new winter fitness: There are loads of winter-specific activities including ski-ing and ice skating that can make fitness a lot more fun during winter. Even winter hiking can be fun.

Find Some Winter Fitness Challenges: Find or even organise some winter fitness challenges, such as a winter walking or running challenge, a winter fitness bingo, or a team-based competition. Challenges can add an element of excitement and friendly competition to keep you engaged.

Find Professional Guidance and Support for Your Winter Fitness Goals: Certified fitness professionals can provide guidance, support, and personalised workout plans. These will keep you on track and motivated.

Embracing winter and the elements rather than denying them can also help.
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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants ( She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.

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