Running a marathon will spark weight loss, improved mental health, general strength and even skin health.
Read on to find out why 2022 is the year to run your first marathon.
Is this the year for you to run your first marathon?
Celebrities including Alicia Keys, Pamela Anderson, Karlie Kloss, and Oprah Winfrey have all run marathons. There has never been a better year to do your first one than 2022.
It’s important to start slow and be patient when training for a marathon, as it could take 5-6 months to be race-ready, depending on the body strength and mental ability.
There are even benefits that are not commonly known, read about some common myths and misconceptions about running here:
Have you thought about running a marathon but haven’t taken the first step yet?
Here’s why 2022 is the perfect time to start:
1. Mental Wellbeing
We are in the third year of a global pandemic, mental wellbeing is one of the most important things in everyone’s life right now. Running improves mental toughness, reduces stress, and improves motivation levels.
2. Weight loss
There’s no doubt that running burns calories. Running uses multiple muscles in the body to work hard, making it a more effective weight loss exercise than other activities. Running also kick starts the metabolism, burning fat during and after the activity.
3. New friends
4. Healthier skin
The blood and oxygen circulation that occurs when running will stimulate nutrient production in the skin which will help repair the skin and boost collagen production. Running also stimulates enhanced blood flow which helps skin cells regenerate.
5. Strength
Running in general will help grow and maintain bone and muscle strength and improve cardiovascular fitness. Long distance running has a multitude of health benefits, including better heart health and increased muscle mass.
6. Extended lifespan
Runners live longer than those who don’t. Running helps prevent blood clots in the arteries and blood vessels, as well as supporting healthy blood flow, blood pressure and cholesterol. Running also helps maintain a healthy weight, which will extend lifespan.
7. Fundraising
Many marathons also benefit charities and worthwhile causes, charities have struggled throughout the pandemic, so it is important to support them in 2022.
8. Alleviate Depression
Running can help fight signs of depression as the brain produces endorphins while exercising. Quality of sleep will even be improved, which will assist in fighting signs of depression as energy levels will be higher after a good night’s sleep.
Where to start:
Train often and consistently. Building endurance while training for a marathon is the place to start, which is why gradually increasing the distance of the run is the only way to begin, as it reduces the risk of over-training the body.