Flower Power – The power of Australian bush flower essences and Bach flower remedies

Ever noticed those glass bottled flower essences in your local chemist?

Australian red lily

Australian bush flower essences and Bach flower remedies have been used to treat a number of conditions. These natural remedies have been used to treat addiction, anxiety, fear, depression, stress, intolerance, lack of compassion and other generally negative emotions and feelings.

All 69 Australian bush flower essences and 38 Bach flower remedies each have  beneficial influences over the nervous system.

Cassie Mendoza-Jones, Sydney naturopath, nutritionist and herbalists believes strongly in the healing qualities of these natural remedies, “They’re quite simply, really beautiful to use. You can feel their healing energy as soon as you pick up the bottle,” she says.

The Australian bush flower essences in particular were created by Ian White, Australian naturopath and fifth generation herbalist. Ian believes, “The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one’s life”. Ian believes that once balance in restored in the body, negative thoughts and feelings are dissolved and healing occurs.

An Australian Bush Iris.

Bach flower remedies were developed by Edward Bach, who, according to Cassie, “found 38 flowers to cover the negative states of mind, and then categorized them into 7 main sections”.

Some of these include:


If you feel anxious, fearful and worried, rock rose is a great Bach flower remedy to take. Cherry plum and red chestnut are also great remedies if you are experiencing anxiousness for other people, or are fearful of losing control of your own thoughts.


According to Cassie, water violet “helps you foster a warmer relationship with other people”. If you are someone who thinks and acts quickly and has little patience for what may be seen as slowness in others, impatiens are great to take as they encourage an understanding and acceptance of others, ultimately lowering stress levels.

Over-care for welfare of others

Mothers, pay attention! If you are someone who puts everyone else around you first then listen up. Bach flowers such as chicory, vervain and vine will allow you to be less critical, opinionated and strong-willed in order to loosen the reigns and respect the views and opinions of those around you.

Cassie believes strong willed people may put “unnecessary effort into everything they undertake, your mind races ahead of events, you may suffer from lack of sleep due to an overactive brain” and therefore these remedies will allow you to slow down and take things as they come.

Whilst there are a number of different flower remedies for a wide variety of purposes, Cassie outlines some of her personal favourites.

Alphine Mint Bush – for mental and emotional exhaustion and lack of joy

Banksia Robur – for feeling disheartened, lethargic and frustrated

Boronia – for obsessive thoughts

Crowea – for continual worrying and a sense of being “not quite right”

Dog rose – for being fearful, shy, insecure and apprehensive of others

Do you believe in natural remedies?

BB Intern Lauren Walker

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