A week until a hot date? Here’s how to look gorgeous:

Get yourself looking and feeling great fast with these simple health & beauty tips:

When it comes to a special event, be it big or small, there are ways to look as amazing as you can.

Bondi Beauty spoke to Sydney’s Jaime Fronzek, an Accredited Practising Dietician and Nutritionist, for her top tips for looking and feeling good in the lead up to an event.

Ideally give yourself a week before a special event or date to look your best.

1. Cut the alcohol for at least a week before the event to reduce bloating and improve skin complexion.

2. Sleep is the most critical factor in the way you look and feel. Getting the right amount of sleep can reduce anxiety, clear your skin, and help your metabolism regulate, so even help keep weight down.

3. Avoid ‘bloating’ foods at least a week before, including  fizzy drinks, diet foods and drinks and wheat products.

4. When was the last time you reviewed our beauty routine? Pop into your nearest make-up counter (Benefit has great staff who take the time to teach you on the spot) and get some tips or jump online for some at-home tutorials.

5. Have a good look at your hair and consider a freshen up. Whether it’s a new colour, highlights, a trim or even a professional blow-dry before the event, shiny, healthy hair can really ramp up your look and make you feel good.

6. Drink plenty of water every day.

7. Be active every day – whether it’s yoga, a light walk or a heavy gym session to sweat it all out, it will boost your endorphins, your confidence and make you feel great.

8. Do something nice for yourself; have your hair or nails done, do a conditioning mask or have a facial.

9. Reduce the amount you eat at the end of the day – start with larger protein filled breakfasts, a filling lunch and light dinner.

10. Check out your lashes and brows. Brows are very hot right now, and frame your entire face.  A good, solid brow can change the way you look and feel. The ultimate eye stylist, Sydney’s Amy Jean at www.amyjean.com.au can transform you eyes – and face in under an hour.

11. Work out what you are wearing well before the event. The last thing you want is to be racing around trying to work out what to wear at the last minute. Be prepared and have a second option.

12. Visualisation: If the outcome of the event is very important to you, such as a work event or date, visualise how you want it to be, see it going well and have an image of how it all looks. Many meditation experts say visualising is the secret to success – why not try it.

Jaime’s website is: http://www.jaimerosenutrition.com.au/

By BB Intern Brooke Davie.

What is your best beauty tip to be at your best before an event?

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