Why clear nail polish could save your day

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Clear nail polish has a multitude of uses, the least being making your fingers look fab & on trend with natural nails.

1. Paint a thin later inside metal bracelets or rings to stop it marking or irritating your skin.

2. Protect your marble; Clear polish at the base of deodorant cans can stop rust rings appearing on your bathroom bench (works in the kitchen for olive oil sprays too).

3. Paint splinters in wooden toys furniture with polish to stop them snagging clothes and skin.

4. A dab on the centre of a button will prevent the cotton unravelling and the button coming loose.

5. Paint on name tags to make them waterproof.

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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants (www.renaesworld.com.au). She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.

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