Daily habits I have changed during lockdown

Woman with amazing blonde long hair,

Lockdown is a great time to address and change our daily habits to create a better quality of life.

This isn’t easy, but nothing in life is. The most important thing to remember is everyone, everywhere in the world, rich or poor, summer or winter is being effected by this virus, the suffering, the lockdowns and subsequent challenges.

The second thing to remember is this is a time of profound change. When the doors finally do open for good, and we can embrace each other and the world, we will do it in a very different way, as we cast our eyes at each other and talk about the journey we have all been through together. So why not get rid of any bad habits and live differently now? Create routines that make life better.

Renae is taking daily walks during lockdown.
Renae is changing her daily habits for the better during lockdown.

Fitness, friends & family, food and beauty are my go-to’s, and changing my habits to form better routines. These are some of my new habits found during the lockdown.

  1. Routine; A routine is so important right now. And it can be a different routine to before – you may not have to go to work, or work at all, and your fitness routine has probably had to change, so embrace it. I am excercising in my apartment block gym 4 times a week, and walking on the other days. This is the basis of every day.
  2. Baths: Sounds so simple, but this is something I somehow never seem to get around to. Now I have a daily bath, and I am really enjoying using different bath bombs and bath products to sooth my skin and relax. Followed up with a rich moisturiser, it is great for winter days.
  3. Gratitude Journal: I have been hearing about these for ages, as even Oprah wears by them, and finally I have bought a beautiful notebook and am writing daily. Loving this daily practise, which is reccommended as a way to tap into your inner goddess.
  4. Soma Breathing: This breathing technique could just be the answer to your anxiety. It is about breathing to a drum beat, and holding the breath at times, and breathing in a meditative way. There are 20 minute sessions on you tube, and it is the quickest way to calm, let go and refresh the body and the mind.
  5. Vision Board: This is a lot of fun to create, and the best way to start manifesting what you want in life. Read how to make your own here.
  6. Skin and hair love: I have made a commitment to myself to improve both my skin and hair. I am putting on hair masks daily, and face masks every second day, from clay masks to sheet masks to revitalise and support my skin. DIY is a great option too.
  7. Putting my face on: I do my make-up every day and that includes my self-tan. I live in a home with a lot of mirrors, and it is important to my mental and physical health to look good.
  8. Experimental make-up: With my makeup I am trying new things, as I now have the time. Lighter lipsticks, tinted foundations instead of heavier ones, a day without cheek highlighter, and so on. It’s a lot of fun, and it is pushing me outside my comfort zone – and forcing me to make an effort.
  9. New Recipes: New recipes are another great way to open the mind as well as to get healthy. It’s fun, and I often involve the whole family so we can all get out of our heads and into the moment. We have been trying Atlas Masterclass, a global home delivery service featuring meals from different countries each week, which we are all loving. This is an example of a new routine that is making our family life so much better, and a great distraction from the lockdown.
  10. Daily vitamins and powders. I have committed to collagen powder daily, vitamin c, as well as daily protein powders and can’t wait to see and feel the effects of long term use. There is no excuse not to now.
  11. Tidying and cleaning up: My clothes have never been neater (and I am only half way through) and my car is full of bags to donate to charity. I finally have time to not only tidy my clothes but try things on and see if they are still fashionable. This just makes me feel better in so many ways. Bringing more plants into your home is another ay to add more zen.
Tidying up can also involve bringing more plants into your environment.
Tidying up can also involve bringing more plants into your home environment.
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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants (www.renaesworld.com.au). She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.

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