We all pick up little tit-bits of information along the years that stick with us and help in along our health journeys. Here are some of the Bondi Beauty team’s best practical tips for healthy eating:
When it comes to healthy eating, there is so much information online about fad diets and what people should and shouldn’t be eating.
Sometimes it’s the little pieces of personal advice and small everyday habits we adopt that add up to make the biggest difference. These are some of our favourite (and super simple) pieces of advice when it comes to eating clean:
Disclaimer: we aren’t qualified nutritionists or dieticians – these are just a few personal tips we’ve picked up over time.
Tips from Bec: Learn when you are really hungry
“I remember reading an article several years ago, where studies had proven often when we feel like snacking, we are actually just dehydrated, and to prevent over snacking, you should first try drinking a herbal tea or a glass of water. Since then, whether it’s day or night, if I feel peckish in-between meals, I will make myself a herbal tea or drink some water – 8 out 10 times, the hunger goes away.”
Tips from Anisha: Treat Yourself
“Maintaining a relatively healthy diet can be such a struggle if you have a massive sweet tooth like I do. After dinner I always crave something sweet like chocolate or ice-cream. Although I am an avid preacher of eating what you want, I do sometimes get that twinge of guilt that I could have substituted that sea salt caramel flavoured Magnum with a bowl of fresh fruit for dessert.
Recently I discovered a compromise between the two where I chuck a healthy spin on my dessert so I can eat guilt-free! Whether it be apple slices with peanut butter or chocolate mousse filled strawberries, if you’re willing to do the research and put a little prep time in, the options are endless, not to mention delicious.”

Tips from Sarah: Avoid Boredom Snacking and an Easy Healthy Lunch Hack
Avoiding boredom snacking: “I am forever guilty of boredom-eating and snacking when I’m not hungry. To stop this bad habit from ruining my healthy eating habits, I’ve started keeping a packet of frozen blueberries in the freezer at all times – I just pour myself a small bowl and it’s a low-calorie, antioxidant filled “snack” that will keep me occupied while I watch Netflix or study.”
An easy healthy lunch hack: “To make a salad that is actually filling and that isn’t boring as batsh*t, I always have a container of pre-roasted veggies in the fridge that I can add into my lunch. Each week I’ll do up a new batch of veggies so it only takes me 5 minutes to throw together a yummy lunch before I head to work or uni. At the moment my go-to is roasting up sweet potato and beetroot in olive oil, and chucking it in a salad with baby spinach and Danish feta.”
Tips from Zoe: Always have some water on the go
“Whenever I’m eating a meal, I always have my water bottle next to me. Drinking water while I’m eating helps me to slow down when eating my food. Not only does this help me drink over 2L per day and ensures I’m hydrated, I find that I get fuller quicker, while also enjoying, and savouring, my food – not just eating it as quick as I can. This ‘mindful eating’ really makes me enjoy my food, while not over-eating.”

Tips from Maddison: Try meal prepping
“Designating a day to prepare healthy meals is the most convenient and efficient way to eat healthy, nutritious meals and be organised for the week ahead. I try to look up new recipes each week to break the cycle of eating the same dish and to make cooking and eating more exciting and enjoyable – at the moment I’m loving trying out paleo recipes. I find Sunday is the best prep-day, as it gets you ready for the week. Whether it’s chicken dishes, yummy desserts or brekky, like a bircher muesli, it’s super easy to keep on top of a healthy eating plan by meal prepping.”Z
Tips from Renae: Eat meals close to your workout time
“I find eating after exercise – as soon as possible afterwards helps not only with my recovery but with my appetite throughout the day. I usually exercise first thing in the morning, so I eat straight afterwards, and have a large meal but eat slowly to really take it in.
I find my appetite is low throughout the day and it gives me a lot of energy.”