OMG! Gyrokinesis Is The New Pilates

If you’re looking for a simple and gentle full body workout, gyrokinesis is the new pilates, and could be the thing for you.

The Gyrotonic exercise system is gentle on the body whilst increasing overall muscular mobility and functionality

Developed by Hungarian dancer and swimmer, Juliu Horvath, GYROTONIC® & GYROKINESIS® is a complementary exercise system that uses flowing, rhythmic and circular motions to move the body gently, as if to be in water. This new training method increases mobility, strength and agility, and strives to helps to refresh and regenerate the body, mind and spirit.

Gyrotonic utilizes specially designed cable machines, whilst gyrokinesis incorporates the same movements without equipment. This exercise technique is fairly new to Australia, however the Gyrotonic Expansion System has grown to include a global community of over 13,000 Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainers teaching in 84 countries. It is highly effective for rehabilitation purposes, improving muscle mobility and flexibility, as well as being a great gentle full body workout suitable for anyone of any age.

Our Experience

The team at Bondi Beauty were lucky enough to test out Gyrokinesis at Spiral Motion Studio in Paddington, and it was a highly enjoyable experience. The session was made up of three components: exercises performed sitting on stools, on the floor, and standing.

Gyrokinesis The movements reflected a combination of yoga and pilates and involved a series of rhythmic stretching with a large focus on smooth breathing and a strong core. Each sequence, whether we were seated or standing, composed of spiraling, circular movements of the legs, spine and arms, and all flowed seamlessly in repetitions, making us feel as though we were dancing.

Exercises included seated body rolls, focusing on stretching out the spine and opening up the lungs, seated bicycle rotations which lengthened out the legs whilst activating core muscles, as well as some standing dancer kicks to also elongate the legs and feet and improve overall balance.

All the movements allowed the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression, and by the end of the session we were feeling muscles we never knew we had. Despite being a gentle non-resistance session, we definitely worked up a sweat.

The Verdict?

Gyrokineses was a highly enjoyably experience for the Bondi Beauty team. The session allowed us to explore dynamic flowing movements that improved mobility of all bodily muscles that can be done anywhere, simply with an open space and a small stool. The session was soothing and peaceful, activated and opened up every muscle in our bodies and we left feeling rejuvenated and energised.

Try it yourself:

You can experience the magic of Gyrokinesis at Spiral Motion Studio, Paddington. Or, attend the special 3-day event at Bondi Pavillion on the 6th-8th December with Gyro Master Trainer, Jackson Kellogg. The course is open to everyone interested in learning the

Email Erika direct at to purchase event tickets and book your spot.

Mention Bondi Beauty to receive earlybird ticket rates:

  • Per day: $240
  • 3-day ticket: $650
Stephanie King

Stephanie is a qualified Exercise and Sport Scientist who lives and breathes all things health and fitness. An Eastern Suburbs local, Stephanie spends her weekends being active outdoors, sipping on an espresso and hunting down the best smashed avo toast in Bondi. She has travelled to 5 out of 7 continents, jumped off one skyscraper and out of one plane to date.

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