How to Use a Bronzer for a Natural Glow on the Go

how to use bronzer the right way

For the days when you can’t get to the beach to achieve a natural glow, bronzer is your BFF.

It’s a go-to beauty item, to help you achieve a light glam, full face beat, and all over natural glow to your skin as it warms up your skin and makes you look more fresh and awake.

Founder of Lust Minerals Stacey Hollands explains how to use bronzer the right way, to achieve a natural summer glow.

“Bronzers can change your whole makeup look, taking it from dull to absolute goddess in seconds. Although it’s hard to get wrong once you know how to use it, I speak with many beauties who are still fearful to use it”.

Here are some ways to make sure you’re getting the makeup look you want from your bronzer, without overdoing it.

how to choose the right shade of bronzer
Bronzer is a great skin saver for days when skin look flat and a little lifeless.

Step 1. Choose your shade:

There are many shades of bronzer out there, some are golden, some are browner, some are matte, and some are shimmery. Everyone has their own personal preference of what look they are after, so choose the shade that compliments your unique features and gives you the makeup finish that you want. 

As a rule of thumb, try to choose a shade of bronzer that is 1-2 shades darker than your natural skin tone and choose one that will compliment your undertone (cool, neutral, pink, warm, olive etc), this will ensure you get a seamless and natural looking finish.

how to use bronzer the right way
There are so many shades of bronzer, from metallic to matte, and from dark to light.

Step 2. Choose your brush:

You can use a contour brush or a feathered blending brush to apply your bronzer. It really depends what type of look you are going for. A contour brush will depend the shade of the bronzer on application, where the feathered brush will lightly dust the bronzer.

Lust Minerals has created the perfect bullet brush for applying your bronzer, blush and highlight. Specifically designed so that you don’t need more makeup brushes and tools than necessary, for an overall easier and more seamless makeup routine. 

Step 3. Technique:

You may or may not have heard of applying your Bronzer in the shape of a 3. To describe this technique, you begin at the hairline of one side of your forehead – somewhere between your temple and the middle of your forehead and follow your hairline down until you get to your cheek bone. 

At this point, bring the bronzer along the bottom of your cheek bone until you reach the point that lines up with the outside of your eye, this is the middle of your 3 shape. 

For the bottom of the three take the bronzer from your cheek bone back to your hair line and then follow your jaw line down to your chin.

The easy way to remember how to apply bronzer. This technique also works for applying highlighter and contour as well.
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Stacey Fields


Stacey is a guest contributor for Bondi Beauty, working as a freelance writer. She loves writing about a variety of health and beauty topics and hope to run her own blog one day.

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