Girlfriends Are Everything – Just Saying

Girls on the beach

GalPals are the best guides for your life, and are by your side through thick and thin. At least that is what I have found.

I am often asked for advice – generally for girls in their 20’s and 30’s and people ask: What is the number one piece of advice I would give myself at 20? And it’s all about the girls. Friends are everything.

I feel I am blessed. I have two children, and not a lot of family as I am an only child. But wherever I go I seem to find amazing women. I have 7 who are my inner circle. Seven! I trust them, I love them, I value them and I admire and respect them.

I met a beautiful girl in my teens in Adelaide when we were artists -me a singer, her a ballet dancer of note. Our lives have worked in parallel. Husbands and therefore children of the same ethnicity, children born in the same year. Now we are fortunate to meet in Sydney or London most years. We can’t stop talking when we catch up.

As a journalist in Adelaide almost 2 decades ago I interviewed an awe-inspiring musical performer and we became instant friends – and still are. Two gorgeous women I worked with in publishing 20 years ago under challenging circumstances I still speak to most weeks – sometimes daily.

We never know when and where we will meet a future friend. Another, a fantastic, creative  London girl I bizarrely met in a bar in Bangkok just after I separated from my husband almost 10 years ago. It had to be fate, I mean what are the chances of meeting your new best friend in a foreign country in a bar? The venue was called BED (crazy, right?), and we were both were mothers of twins and had friends in common – even though we lived in different countries. A decade later, we are still close.

For me, it’s actually quite simple. The most important part of life for any woman (other than your children and husband) is to value and cherish your girlfriends. Now I am in my 40’s, that advice is more important than ever.

Another amazing girl is in Sydney now after we met in Adelaide, and another more recent gapal became closer after we shared a hotel room in Bali and found ourselves both single not withstanding our age and life differences. We are still besties.

I could go on. 

Girls are honest, committed and fun. It doesn’t matter if you don’t speak for months. It’s so great sharing life with like-minded women. Girls get it.

But the most important thing I have learnt is that your girlfriends are there for the long-haul. They have got your back. Gosh I hate to say it but the men come and go. They really do. Friendships with girls don’t in the same way.

This week, I will embark on a challenging personal journey in my life, as we all do from time to time, so what did I do? I invited the women closest to me into my home. We laughed, we shared, we hugged and we all agreed it will all be ok. And it will be because I have them in my life to text, to call, to laugh with.

When we share, no matter how bad it is, it feels better. We feel heard, and cared for and loved. At least I do. Life presents challenges – too many to mention.

So to my besties Donna, Michelle, Beazie, Rachael, Angela, Jayne & Anthea, and so many other girlfriends who are there for me. As I so often say, always remember how amazing you are. Thank You for being there for me. I love you. And I too have your back.X

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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants ( She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.


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