Six healthy snacks to satisfy salty cravings in seconds.
It’s common to have salty cravings, and they’re usually the result of boredom or stress, so it’s no surprise if they are at an all-time high right now here in Sydney.
Salty snacks don’t have to be bad for you. There are some healthy snacks you can have to satisfy your salty cravings.
For the body to function properly, sodium is a key element serving an essential role for nerve and muscle function as well as blood pressure and volume.
However, according to the according to the US Department of Health and Human Services, 2.3 grams, equivalent to a teaspoon, is recommended to be consumed by a person per day as too much sodium can lead to heart and kidney problems such as high blood pressure and strokes.
This means the body still needs to consume sodium regularly (salty foods) but the right way and in the right foods. Essentially the key is cutting out processed foods with excessive amounts of sodium including pizza and burgers as these foods can quickly become a health risk.
Once these are removed from the diet, sodium becomes a nonissue.
This is where the following healthy, nutrient-dense snacks come in to satisfy those salty cravings:
Kale Chips
This snack is a perfect alternative to snacking on (unhealthy) potato chips. With the same crunchy texture, kale chips beat potato chips as the leafy greens contain antioxidants and Vitamins A and K. Kale ‘chips’ are easy to cook as well – roasting fresh kale with olive oil, salt and pepper, and any seasoning of choice, in the oven for around 20-30 mins.
As popcorn is a light and airy snack, it’s easy to have a few cups in one serving and it’ll be the right amount to consume to keep sodium levels up.
Popcorn is also whole grain which means it adds a bit of fibre to the body. The snack is also very versatile – a variety of different flavours can be added depending on your mood. These include powders such as chili or paprika, or even add some lime juice to the mix.
Hard-boiled eggs
These may be small, but hard-boiled eggs pack a lot of Vitamins including A and D and protein beneficial for weight loss, reduced cholesterol, and prenatal bone and strength. Eating eggs increases mental health due to the antioxidants within them.
To balance out the sodium in the body, sprinkle the egg with a bit of sea salt – a perfect nutrient-dense snack.
Dried seaweed
These sea snacks are loaded with iodine and an amino acid called tyrosine, which supports thyroid function.
It’s also a snack you can use in a variety of different ways as it works well when paired with hard-boiled eggs, veggies or even as a flavouring for popcorn.
This may not be a surprise, but nuts are very healthy. In fact, foods like nuts and seeds contain high levels of antioxidants, fibre and omega 3.
According to research study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, almonds have been shown to significantly lower bad cholesterol as well as cardiovascular disease.
Walnuts also decrease cardiovascular disease risk factors and are beneficial for gut health. So, trail mixes should be your next go-to snack.
Olives can be an acquired taste; however, olives are rich in Vitamin E and the antioxidant compound – polyphenols which are a compound beneficial to blood sugar levels, brain health and also inflammation.
A research team led by Hunter College in NYC found in 2020 that olives and olive oils with the component oleocanthal has the power to kill cancer cells – many brands of store bought olives and olive oils do not yet list this component but some on-line brands do.