7 Ways To Make Your Beauty Routine More Eco Friendly in 2021

Picture of sustainable beauty items

Sustainability is a word on everyone’s lips at the moment.

Pressure is building to become more sustainable in every area of life. However it can be tricky to know how, or where to start.

Whilst the idea may be intimidating, all it means is meeting our own needs without compromising the environment. This doesn’t mean a total lifestyle overhaul and in fact, there are lots of little things you can sprinkle through your current routine to make it more sustainable.

Plus, not only are you buying sustainable products, but you are supporting businesses which clearly have a more ethical business approach. Here are a few super easy and simple things you can do to make your routine more eco-friendly.

Check out some of our fave eco-friendly beauty products below:

1. Natural Deodorant

Natural Deodorant is a great way to add a sustainable step to your routine. They usually come in non-plastic packaging and are packed full of natural ingredients, rather than nasty chemicals.

No Pong is an all-natural deodorant which is paraben, aluminium, cruelty and plastic free. It is packaged in cute, discrete tin which is reusable and recyclable.

No Pong Natural Deodorant

2. No-Waste Shampoo

Beauty Bars are quickly rising up the beauty food chain. Their biggest selling point? No plastic.

Honua Bars have been established with the purpose to alleviate plastic, with an estimation of 6 plastic bottles saved form each set of bars.

Honua Bars are cute pineapple shaped Shampoo and Conditioner bars, offered in four scents of Mint Chocolate, Lemongrass and Lemon Myrtle, Citrus Paradise and Hibiscus Star Fruit. 

Honua Bars are a sustainable alternative to regular shampoo and conditioner.

3. Reusable Makeup Remover

Think about how many cotton pads you chuck away after use to remove makeup. Now think about that amount going straight to landfill, because cotton pads don’t biodegrade due to the bleach used to make them.

Whilst the convenience is undeniable, there are cotton alternatives which will reduce the amount of cotton pads used, water used in production and plastic packaging at the supermarket.

Face Halo has a great range of reusable makeup removing pads, that can be washed up to 200 times.

Face Halo

4. Reusable Period Products

The average woman will use 10,000-15,000 pads and tampons during their menstruation period. And yep you guessed it, ends up in landfill. The market is becoming saturated with eco-friendly alternatives that save your money, and the environment.

The Diva Cup can be worn for up to 12 hours and used for up to 10 years, which will save So. Many. Tampons.

 @taymocha via @thedivacup on Instagram

5. Sustainable Sunscreen

Its not widely known, but when you wear sunscreen into the ocean, the harsh chemicals are really dangerous for coral reefs, affecting marine fertility and contributing to coral bleaching.

Say See Ya to Plastic with Seed and Sprout. Their Tinted or Non Tinted Sunscreen is completely plastic free, with each tin equating to 3.5 tubes of normal face sunscreen. So yeah, youll save plastic and get more bang for your buck. And of course, is reef safe.

Seed and Sprout Tinted Sunscreen

6. Check your exfoliator

Stop paying money for an exfoliator when you can just as easily make one at home. Have coffee lying around from your morning brew? This is the perfect staple ingredient for a DIY coffee scrub. Check out the instructions here.

7. Get a reusable razor

Razors are pretty cheap and easy to find. Most people just buy a multipack, and throw the razors away after a month and don’t think twice about it. Neglecting the fact that all that plastic is also getting thrown away. Consider swapping to a reusable razor.

Usually, made of stainless steel, which wont rust in the shower.

Montana Crabb

Montana is a Law and Communication student with a passion for writing. She is a Bondi local so you can usually find her at a Bondi cafe, doing the coastal walk or you guessed it, at the beach.

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