Why You Need a Life Coach Today And How They Will Help Change Your life

5 reasons why you need a life coach

Five ways a life coach can help you and why you should book yourself in for a session today.

A life coach, also known as a wellness coach, helps you achieve your business, life relationship and dream goals, so you can live better and create the ideal life for yourself long term.

Similar to a councillor they use your inner self-guidance to help you come to the conclusion you need to help you achieve those goals, by teaching you to identify the questions and seek the answers yourself, instead of them giving the answers to you.

Their advice also comes with a whole lot of other guidance tools too, to help shift your inner self-guidance into gear. Cause let’s face it, for most of us, that inner self has been buried deep down below years of stress, anxiety and the inability to make the changes you need to achieve big dreams.

Melbourne-based Life and Wellness coach and founder of Katie’s Beauty Kitchen, Katie Lowndes says it’s about helping a client understand what they already have and what they need in order to progress further.

Often someone already knows what they want, but they lack either the incentive or the motivation to do it. Once a client identifies what’s stopping them from making the change they need to achieve their life goals and dreams, there is no more fear and they can begin to journey into a new life path.

Of course, this is always up to the person. And, if you don’t like change and aren’t willing to work hard, play a little less and make yourself accountable for holding yourself back, then perhaps a life coach isn’t for you after all.

If you are ready, here are five reasons why you will want to book yourself in with a life coach today:

1. You Have A Vision, But No Clear Plan

It’s possible you have a goal or vision of what you want to go, but have no clue how to get there or achieve it. A life coach will help guide you along the right path with the necessary steps, creating a plan for you to help you on your way. Often we lack the right plan to help us take the right steps to be on our way. With a little guidance, the path will show itself before you in no time.

2. You Want To Change Your Profession

You hate your job and you want to do something else, something you may or may not have thought about, or perhaps finally go freelance and start that business you have always talked about. Changing your profession can be super scary. A life coach will help you build self confidence through assurance and motivation, so you can finally achieve those dreams.

3. You Doubt Yourself

If you are lacking self confidence in yourself, this is where a life coach will play this most important part of all. Helping you to achieve clarity and confidence that you are making the right decision and the rewards will all be worth it. Most of the time we know what we want down deep inside, but we are too scared to do anything about it. Having someone confident you can achieve it, is all it takes to get started.

4. You Feel Lost

One thing that life coaches are great at is helping people find their way when they feel lost and confused and unsure what steps they should take next in life. It could be with a change of profession, or perhaps to excel further in your current job. If you have come to a point where you don’t know who you are or what you want, working with a life coach is the perfect starting point for your new life journey.

5. You Need To Improve Your Health

WE all need a little boost with your health. Even if you think you are super healthy and have no concerns, there is always that one thing, that one weakness, which if you aren’t lying to yourself, you really need to kick the habit. Like too much chocolate and wine of an evening. Common no, don’t be shy and be honest. Many life coaches re also qualified in health and wellness, and they go hand in hand with life anyways, to help you be better, feel better and achieve goals faster.

Rebecca Wilkinson

Beauty Editor

Rebecca is a freelance content creator and beauty editor for Bondi Beauty. She is a pescatarian, who may yet become vegan. She loves all things beauty, health & travel, has a weakness for coffee and is obsessed with cats and yoga. If she's not answering her mobile - it's probably because she's trying out the latest beauty trend, like massaging crushed pearls into her skin for the ultimate collagen and vitamin boost to skin cells.

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