Why Influencer Rowi Singh Is Our Girl Crush

Take a quick peek at Rowi Singh’s Instagram (@rowisingh) and you’ll see nothing but gorgeous and colourful makeup looks.

Her style, a fusion of her Indian heritage and western influence reaches over 86k people on Instagram. But more than just serving up killer makeup looks, Singh (23) is a Sydney based content producer and influencer, using her platform to raise awareness of diversity in Australian media.

Not afraid to speak up, Singh tells Bondi Beauty the reality of being a brown girl in a white society.

Tell us about yourself

I’m a digital content producer and influencer based in Sydney’s upper North. My Instagram consists of curated beauty & fashion looks and tutorials born out of self-expression and creativity. I fuse my Indian roots with modern trends to produce a completely unique aesthetic; an aesthetic that also reflects my experiences.

How did your career start?

I started by posting pictures of my outfits and then makeup on Instagram. To be honest, it took a long time for it to gain any traction and I was close to giving up. I used bindis in my look for a festival back in 2014, and that photo went off. I then slowly built an audience that related to my cultural experience and was inspired by my style.

What’s the highlight of your career so far?

Working with global brands such as Maybelline and Rimmel, as well as content producers like MTV. I’ve also just signed to an agency, which is a huge step for me!

Makeup product/s you can’t live without?

Brow pomade, concealer and highlighter…and glitter!

Tell us your favourite makeup hack?

Applying colour liberally and quite messily to the lid/areas around the lid, but then cleaning the lookup by running a line of concealer against the edge of the shadow. This gives it a flawless and seamless look!

I also love applying concealer to my lids before I apply shadows – this really helps to make the colour pop.

How ambitious are you?

SUPER ambitious. With a full-time job as well, I’ve worked really hard to get to where I am today.

Do you think social media makes it harder or easier to succeed?

It depends how you use it. It makes it easier if you know your audience and the content you need to create, and you’re focused on your passion. Social media is amazing at connecting people from around the world through similar interests. It can disrupt when people get bogged down by the numbers, negativity and it affects mental health. In particular, Instagram is not just about likes, comments and followers. It’s about inspiration, spreading positivity and discovering people from all around the world.

Has the advent of social media made way for mixed races to be noticed?

It has definitely allowed for diversity to blossom – I’ve seen people of colour band together in strength to support their melanin brothers & sisters. I love that! It also allows for the discovery of so many different races around the world.

Have you experienced racism in your work?

Not a whole lot. I can tell some brands won’t work with me because I don’t embody a certain look (blonde, blue-eyed). I’ve also had people say that my skin colour isn’t dark enough to classify me as Indian (this was a DM). I found this pretty absurd, as I’m 100% Indian. But nothing to brash or directly abusive.

Why do you think there aren’t more ethnicities in Australian mainstream media?

It’s still a work-in-progress concept for Australia. This country is still defined by quintessential stereotypes. People are only just starting to embrace diversity, but then again it’s baby steps. We’re years behind the UK. You turn on the TV and you hardly ever see a brown person.

What would you like to see more in Australian media?

More WOC representation! More brown girls killing it in the creative arts.

Find out more about Rowi here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rowisingh/

Website: http://www.rowisingh.com/


Marielle Punzal


Marielle is a lover of all things fashion and beauty, and is usually seen with a coffee in one hand and makeup swatches in the other.


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