How to Take the Best Beach Pics on Your Smart Phone

aqua bumps image

Aqua Bumps Eugene Tan’s top tips for the best ever smart phone photos.

Eugene Tan is certainly the most iconic beach photographer in Australia, and he is arguably one of the world’s best and most creative landscape artists thanks to his specatacular images.

He started Aquabumps out of his passion for the ocean, waves and surfing, and cerated images the world just can’t get enough of.

The iconic Aqua Bumps Lone Swimmer Image.
The iconic Aqua Bumps Lone Swimmer Image.

“I was a graphic designer before I became a photographer, and I learnt a lot about what makes a good image, and what images work with different designs.

  1. Shoot in good light. The best light is ideally morning light. The worst is in the middle of the day as it is too strong and harsh. End of the day can be ok too.
  2. Think the photo through: Ask yourself what would be unusual here, find something about what you are about to shoot that is a bit different. It may be only shooting a section of it or focusing on a part of it not normally highlighted in images.
  3. Layers: Find an usual way of seeing the subject. It may be something that has been photographed many ways before, but consider layering the picture or highlighting the foreground.
  4. Great Angles -put the phone on on the floor, shoot across the floor and just work on new angles. Don’t just shoot what you see. Two metres down everything looks completely different.
  5. Volume Button: Use the volume button to take photos. This avoids issues with the camera shaking, so reduces the chance of blurring the image.
  6. Simplicity: Keep the photos simple, and don’t be afraid of empty space.
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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants ( She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.

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