Walking or cycling to work will not only keep you fit and healthy, it can improve your mental health and save you money on your insurance.

A sponsored post written by Renae Leith-Manos
1) Keeps your weight down:
A 30 minute walk to and from work burns around 360 calories a day. Exercise can be one of the best ways to workout every day without even realising it. Around 30 minutes of flat cycling each way will burn 700 calories in total (up to 900 if there are hills en route), so the further the better.
2) Breathing fresher air makes you feel fresh
Fresh air oxygenates your blood, which improves circulation and can improve your mental focus on the job. It’s not a stretch to say incorporating fitness into your daily trip to work could land you a promotion in the long term, as your ability to concentrate will be improved.
3) Your insurance premiums go down
Insurance companies like Youi could reduce your car insurance premium by up to 29% simply by walking or cycling to work, as if you’re not commuting in your car, there’s less chance of an accident.
4) It can improve your mental health and even your relationship
A 2014 British study by the University of East Anglia’s Norwich Medical School, found a physically active commute has a significant impact of feelings of well being, and the longer, the better. Feelings of worthlessness and unhappiness decreased in people who had a physical element within their daily route to work, and there happier you feel, the more likely it is those around you will fell happier.
5) Its cost efficient
Whether your usually get to work by car or public transport the daily cost adds up, and will be eliminated if you can replace the whole commute with a walk. You may even save money on a gym membership which you may no longer need.
6) Other health benefits
Daily exercise keeps cholesterol levels low, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer.
Find out how to save on your insurance premiums here: www.youi.com.au