There are plenty of common mistakes which can be made when having injectables.
According to the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery, each year Australians spend some $1 billion on cosmetic treatments and injectable treatments.
The surprise comes when you hear first hand how many of these treatments go wrong and how many patients aren’t completely satisfied with their results. The issue often lies with the expert facilitating the treatment and their experience, we’ve all seen botched.
Nurse Ally Hanby from Australasia’s Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Practice of the Year, talks about the most common injectable mistakes she’s witnessed in her eight year career.
Not listening to your injector when they tell you no
Patients coming back for further treatment when their features are already overcorrected is something I’m seeing time and time again.
It’s imperative to have the patient’s best outcome at heart and being confident enough to tell a patient enough is enough.
I tell my patients they are beautiful just the way they are and that I am only here to help them subtly enhance their own individual and gorgeous features.
Not being fully informed
Time and time again, I consult patients who have no idea what they have had injected previously, the risks associated with treatment, why the chosen treatment plan was suggested to them and their practitioners’ qualifications.
Don’t be afraid to ask your injector what their qualification and level of experience is. You are well within your rights to question why a certain product or brand is being chosen for your particular concern.
It is a legal requirement for all patients to be made aware of all risks common, uncommon and rare.
As a consumer, this is your treatment and your face, you are not stepping on anyone’s toes by asking for clarification and rationale.
Managing unrealistic expect
Anti-wrinkle injections are not magic and can only do so much. You know those pesky wrinkles that are present in the skin when the face is at rest or those lines that makeup just seems to sit in, anti-wrinkle injections will only soften those ones not completely correct them.
Less is more
I suggest patients to have a copy of their own before and afters. I find this prevents patients from coming back into clinic prematurely and explaining that all their filler is gone and that they need more.
Our memory and self-perception can be a little is skewed at times so it’s nice for patients to have high resolution before pictures, this keeps their results in perspective and allows them to be reminded of how far they have come.
Some final words of wisdom..
Don’t be afraid to have a consultation at a few reputable places, go with your gut instinct and be comfortable with the injector you chose.
Find an injector who’s knowledgeable, professional, confident in their skill and takes the time to properly consult prior to treatment.
Choose somewhere reputable, ask a girlfriend or a hairdresser for their recommendation. Hairdressers are great because they talk to so many women and are usually affiliated with an injector or two.
Less is more don’t go overboard, you are beautiful just the way you are and have confidence that you are unique and that your treatments should be tailored to your uniqueness.
Written by Nurse Ally Hanby from Cosmetic Avenue