What We Are Reading In Lockdown

female reading book outside

Reaching for a book is one of the many ways people are choosing to pass time whilst cooped up at home right now.

There are several innovative ways to have fun and get back into reading if you aren’t already a bookworm yourself.

You could join a virtual book club or even start one of your own between family and friends.

Some of our favourite online book clubs to join include Our Shared Shelf by Emma Watson for books that open up discussions about hard-hitting feminism.

We also love Oprah’s Book Club by Oprah Winfrey that takes a deep dive on her favourite modern reads.

Last but not least is The Shameless Podcast Book Club for smart women who love even smarter books hosted by the Aussie podcast duo Michelle Andrews and Zara McDonald. 

At the moment these are the books the Bondi Beauty team have been reading.

Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

Sapiens book cover
Sapiens: A Brief History Of Humankind

Bondi Beauty Writer Zoe Bradbury:

“Currently I’m reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.

It’s fascinating and comforting to read about the resilience of humans, especially at a time like this – it makes you realise we will, in fact, come out on the other end.

It’s keeping me humble and appreciative of the life we have now and how easy we have life during a lockdown.

We can still educate ourselves and learn about the world even though we are stuck inside, and this book truly highlights that for me.”

The Giver Of Stars by Jojo Moyes

The Giver Of Stars Cover
The Giver Of Stars

Bondi Beauty Columnist Rebecca Wilkinson:

“I haven’t gotten very far, but I am reading a novel called The Giver of Stars.

It’s an interesting story set in the 1930s, about a woman called Alice Wright who whilst living in her home town in England, falls in love with an America, marries him, then moves to the US.

There she meets a revolutionary woman called Margery who comes from a very checkered past, but whom works with children to deliver books to them in small towns, so they can read and be educated.

Like I said, I haven’t gotten far, but so far, the storyline is super compelling.”

The Truth About You by Melissa Hill

The Truth About You cover
The Truth About You

Bondi Beauty Writer Tara McKenzie:

“I am an exclusive Rom-Com reader as I am a true hopeless romantic and like feel-good content.

One of my New Year’s Resolutions this year is to read one book every month, and so far I am on track.

Back in February I read ‘The Truth About You’ by Melissa Hill, which was a great escapist novel set in Ireland.

The book explores themes of romance, motherhood and friendship and is a super easy read – perfect for a rainy lockdown day.”

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat Pray Love cover
Eat Pray Love

Bondi Beauty Writer Anisha Rapthi:

“I’ll be the first person to admit that I don’t read as much as I’d like to.

But as they say there is (literally) no time like the present and I’ve definitely taken this opportunity during self-isolation to start reading all the books I’ve bought over the years which haven’t been touched since purchase.

At the moment I’m about to finish what could be known as one of the most iconic books of the century, Eat Pray Love.

It follows a middle-aged American woman’s journey of self-discovery through Italy, India and Bali and definitely lives up to the hype.”

Being Mortal: Medicine And What Happens In The End by Atul Gawande

Being Mortal cover
Being Mortal

Bondi Beauty Editor Renae Leith-Manos:

“This has been sitting on my bookshelf and I’m finally reading it.

Written by a surgeon, writer & public health researcher, it is an insight and timely reminder of the fact we will all die, and that we should consider the issues around end of life.

Usually in day to day life we forget about our mortality, and it comes as a real shock when someone close to us dies and even more so when we face death ourselves.

It’s helping me be more understanding and compassionate of the issues we are facing globally right now, and how important it is to think through the issues surrounding end of life.”

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