Pete Evans Says Our Pets Should Go Paleo Too

Now Pete Evans says our pets should go Paleo too.

Australian chef and television personality Pete Evans has released a paleo range of foods for pets.

Pete has long advocated the health benefits of a paleo diet, creating easy to follow cook books filled with paleo recipes and even releasing ready made paleo meals and wholefoods to purchase online.

If you don’t know what a paleo diet is, it is a diet based on the types of foods presumed to be historically eaten by early humans. Mostly consisting of meat, fish, vegetables and fruit, a paleo diet does not include any cereal products,  dairy products or processed foods.

Many health professionals; including those who have participated in test case studies, agree a paleo diet for humans has shown (through scientific research) to be one of the best diets.

Pete says: “It’s simple really, no dogs or cats should be eating grains, dairy or legumes like corn or soy. And if a vet tells you they are good for your pet, I suggest finding another vet.”

With results ranging from short-term health improvements such as minor medical conditions, weight-loss and diabetes.

So, if it works for humans, Pete says it makes sense it would work for animals, right? Pete recommends you check the ingredients of many pet food products.  You will be surprised at how many unnecessary ingredients there are.

Wanting to create healthier pet food which is nutrient rich and species appropriate, Pete saw a gap in the market for healthy pet food, finding that most products on the shelves were what he refers to as pet junk food.

“I believe a species appropriate diet is the best approach for all the species on the planet and we see the ill health that happens when any species veers off that simple premise,” Pete says.

Paleo just means species appropriate, so a paleo diet for humans is different than a paleo approach for dogs and cats. For optimal health, we need to mimic what they would have evolved to eat, so that, true health can manifest. “

Through his own studies and research Pete has witnessed many a success story with respect to paleo diets for both humans and pets.

“Many cat and dog owners have let us know how their pet’s health issues have improved from swapping over to our paleo pet range of food, which is the greatest news to hear and was our intention all along,” he said.

“There have been many books written about a species appropriate diet for animals from some of the world’s leading vets, showing real clinical results when it comes to eating an appropriate species diet. It makes sense paleo wouldn’t just be for humans, but for all species.

“Pet food companies are bias in their opinions of more natural ways of feeding your pets and will always defend their cereal rich pet foods. The same thing happens in pharmaceutical trials for humans, so you need to be careful where you get your information from.

If you go to websites and social media pages based around species appropriate eating for pets, you will find anecdote after anecdote of people improving their pet’s health and life from these very simple and common-sense diet changes.”

Studies have shown over the years, when a human or any other species steers away from their species appropriate diet, they will present with certain illnesses. This has been seen when cows and horses are feed foods like grains, who stomachs are designed to eat only grass.

“Dogs and cats are highly carnivorous, so obviously their best diet is one based around that approach,” Pete adds.

“Much like humans are omnivores, we suit an anti-inflammatory approach and the one that works the best is based on our hunter gather lifestyle which sustained us as a species for so long with great health, which is basically a simple diet of meat and vegetables.

So, each species is unique and once you look at it from that common sense and factual viewpoint then there can never be an argument against it.”

Sustaining a paleo diet for both himself and his family, Pete believes eating clean and simple foods is truly a marvellous thing and your body will love you for it. And, so will your pets.

The Healthy Everyday Pets range was launched mid-May this year and is available for purchase online here at Prices range from $14.99 – $124.99.

If you’re interested in trialling the paleo diet for yourself first, before putting it to the test on your pet, you can check out Pete’s 10-week online program at for free.

Rebecca Wilkinson

Beauty Editor

Rebecca is a freelance content creator and beauty editor for Bondi Beauty. She is a pescatarian, who may yet become vegan. She loves all things beauty, health & travel, has a weakness for coffee and is obsessed with cats and yoga. If she's not answering her mobile - it's probably because she's trying out the latest beauty trend, like massaging crushed pearls into her skin for the ultimate collagen and vitamin boost to skin cells.


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