As we continue to spend more and more time indoors, it’s easy to become stir crazy.
It’s more important than ever to incorporate movement into our daily routines.
For example if you’re interested in purchasing fitness equipment for home, there are plenty of options out there when it comes to treadmills, and you can get a decent treadmill under $500 that will do the trick with out burning a hole in your pocket.
Here at Bondi Beauty, we believe that any movement is good movement, whether that be a sweaty HIIT or cardio session, some Zen yoga – or even sex!
Here are some of the workouts we’re doing to keep us sane at home.
Home Gym

Renae says: I still wake up at 5.30am every day and go running, which works for me.
I am also at the gym in my apartment building which is my saviour. It has a very strict booking and cleaning system to ensure everyone is safe.
Only two people are allowed in at any one time, but we are all so grateful to be able to use it.
I think isolation is forcing us all to confront who we really are, and I am most certainly an extroverted, high energy person who can’t sit in four walls all day, every day.
Fitness is keeping me fit – and sane. I also add walking to my routine 2-3 times a week to boost my energy and inhale the fresh air. A great activity with the children too.
Long Walks

Tara says: At a time like this, where we a couped up all day in the house I think it’s important (if you can) to get some green space and spend some time in the fresh air.
I’ve been enjoying putting on a podcast and going for a walk around my local area. I recently discovered the local oval, so I’ve been doing laps around there and walking through the backstreets of the neighbourhood.

Anisha says: I’ve absolutely loved running on my treadmill these past few weeks, which from speaking to my friends apparently makes me a freak. In the age-old debate of which type of exercise is more fun, cardio or weights – it seems I’m outnumbered.
But, there is something about getting into the groove of running that elates me in a way nothing else does. The faster I go the happier I feel and each day I strive to improve on how long or how fast I ran the day before.
I’ve also tried to get into trampolining and skipping to explore other forms of cardio as well.

Zoe says: My workout of choice is usually a solid weights session at my local gym. But now that they’re closed, I’ve had to adapt to at home workouts. While I’m still getting in my weights sessions at home, I’ve recently been enjoying going skateboarding for some cardio with my housemates.
It’s been a great way to get outdoors and into the sunshine. We’re trying to go daily at around sunset, the golden hour.
It’s been so fun developing my skills and learning something new, whilst getting outside for some fresh air after working from home, inside all day.

Rebecca says: Yoga and meditation have always been my saving grace it times of stress and uncertainly. It keeps me grounded, centred and reminds me of what’s important and what isn’t.
Though, I would like to start walking in the morning so I can get a little more fresh air and sunshine. I have been spending some time in the garden to ensure I do get out of the house. But I think walking will be a good way for me to exercise and stay healthy and help me keep any sicknesses at bay.