Live Your Truth; “I Turned Down a Job with Mercedes Benz to Be a Yoga Teacher”

Living your truth takes courage. In a Bondi Beauty series, we talk to women who have changed their lives in the pursuit of authenticity.

This week, we speak to a Sydney woman who chose yoga and balance over luxury brand Mercedes.

When those rare moments to change your life swing past, the decision to either accept it or turn it down can be one of the toughest ones  to make. Leaving you to ponder whether the new job (or life) path really is the perfect job and everything you’ve dreamed of.

Sydney-based yoga teacher Brooke Duncan faced a similar sliding door moment a few years back, when she consciously made the decision to leave her financially lucrative and secure nine to five job to become more spiritually enlightened and was then asked by Mercedes to work with them.

Having developed a reputation of being one of Australia’s top female car saleswomen over the course of sixteen years, Brooke had designed a self-assured financially stable Sydney lifestyle for herself.

But, after years of being in what she felt was a “soulless industry”, she made a life altering decision which would lead her onto the most fascinating and enlightening path of well-being. To become a yoga teacher instead.

And, when the moment had come for her to leave the car industry to begin this new journey, Mercedes approached Brooke with an offer almost too good to turn down. But she did turn it down.

Driven by the need to become a better version of herself and to share that experience with others in the future, by helping to guide them through a similar transission, Brooke decided it was time to ditch her successful career in the car sales industry and embark on a soul finding mission of wellness.

“I had stopped growing as a person and had lost interest in this ego driven world; especially in the car industry. I wanted a more meaningful and fulfilling way to spend my days.

I discovered yoga around the same time I started in sales, to balance out the stress and long days spent in high heels. As the years passed on, I found myself gravitating to it more and more until that’s all I wanted to do, it was a natural progression.”

But it wasn’t an easy step to make at first. Brooke spent a considerable amount of time investing in herself. Through her yoga and meditation practice, she focused on the things in life which brought her happiness and worked closely with a life coach, who helped her realise her potential and most of all escape the binds of fear which kept her from pursing the life she dreamed of.

“Life coaching is such a wonderful modality to create real and lasting change. I really benefited from using this tool to help me establish what it was I wanted from life”

Now a qualified yoga teacher, Brooke is working towards completing her studies to also become a life coach, to help other’s work through their life transitions of choosing to become a better version of themselves.

“I incorporate the philosophies and practices of yoga to assist people to really pursue their dreams. I love seeing clients flourish once they learn to drop out of their heads and into their hearts. I love inspiring and assisting others to be the best version of themselves.”

Her future aspirations; to have her own yoga studio, with a space for coaching, a space to read books and a place for people to catch up with like minded individuals. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

Rebecca Wilkinson

Beauty Editor

Rebecca is a freelance content creator and beauty editor for Bondi Beauty. She is a pescatarian, who may yet become vegan. She loves all things beauty, health & travel, has a weakness for coffee and is obsessed with cats and yoga. If she's not answering her mobile - it's probably because she's trying out the latest beauty trend, like massaging crushed pearls into her skin for the ultimate collagen and vitamin boost to skin cells.


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