Improve your work ethic and see the light.

Want to be more productive at work? It’s time to see the light.

Woman Lying Down Sunlight Android Wallpaper
Levels of the hormone cortisol experience a dip after long periods under artificial light which contributes to stress as well as low energy levels.

Exercise in the form of a brisk walk has often been encouraged during the lunch hour, especially if your occupation involves sitting at a desk for the most part. Now research shows it’s not just fresh air that will do you good.

Studies show natural light is actually more beneficial than artificial light when it comes to productivity at work. Your environment can play a huge part in your ability to function aptly.

Scientist Mirjam Muench found that when a group of people exposed to natural light were compared with those who worked under conditions involving artificial light, the first group were much more alert by the end of the day.

Levels of the stress hormone cortisol experience a dip after long periods under artificial light which contributes to stress as well as low energy levels.

It’s not just the light from the sun, but the warming affect can also help. Cornell university in NY found that keeping warm will stimulate productivity at work because when we are cold we are distracted and our body expends excess energy just to stay toasty.

With winter weather approaching, it helps to be mindful of how to stay in as warm and bright a condition as possible. Daylight savings is coming soon, on Sunday 5th April so be sure to set the clocks and get the most out of the little sunshine you can squeeze into your day.

How to get more sun into your day:

1) Wake up with the sun

Beauty sleep is very important but if you can follow the age old early to bed early to rise motto, you may soon see an improvement in your mood and productivity.

2) Keep heating levels maintained indoors

Faking the effects of the suns temperature is more easily done than it’s light as our bodies find it difficult to tell the difference so make sure you’re not too far from a heat source when working indoors.

3) Get outside as much as you can

Try and walk to work, home from work or get out on your lunch break to soak up as much sun as possible to reap the benefits this winter and stay energised all day.

Anita Senior

Media graduate of the Irish-Jamaican persuasion. Cinephile, recovering coffee addict and nail art enthusiast. Wanderluster at heart.

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