Eat Chocolate and Lose Weight?

Eat Chocolate and Lose weight at the same time

Sounds too good to be true? New research says you can enjoy chocolate in moderation and you wont put on any weight.

Turns out that depriving ourselves from one our favorite foods, could the reason we can’t drop that extra kilo.

According to a new survey conducted by the market research firm “YouGov”, an international internet-based market research firm, (founded in the UK in May 2000 by Stephan Shakespeare), 91% of people on the UK website Nutracheck (a calorie monitoring website for dieters), continued munching on chocolate during their diets – and still lost at least 10% of their body weight.

This is controversial news considering that the same survey found that before the results came through,  63% of people think that you have to completely cut out certain foods, in order to loose weight.

Janet Aylott, a nutrition scientist with Nutracheck who conducted the survey, said: ‘Extensive research has proven that diets centered around food elimination are much more likely to fail.The key is to take a more relaxed approach and to have a little of what you like.”

“Extensive research has proven that diets centered around food elimination are much more likely to fail.The key is to take a more relaxed approach and to have a little of what you like.”

A previous study by Harvard university tracked 8,000 men for 65 years and found that those who ate modest amounts of chocolate, lived almost a year longer than those who ate none.

Charlene Johnson lists 10 eating habits of successful fit people in her book, Push. She explains the fittest people hardly ever eliminate foods altogether, they just learn how to enjoy the foods they crave in moderation-rather than randomly binging.

A previous study by Harvard university tracked 8,000 men for 65 years and found that those who ate modest amounts of chocolate, lived almost a year longer than those who ate none.

The lesson? Enjoying smaller portions of chocolate (or whatever else your weakness may be) on occasion shouldn’t put a dent in your weight-loss plans, in fact it may even help you from going overboard down the road.

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