Healthy Diet Tips to Take Into 2020

Libby Babet rocking her hot body at the gym

Celebrity wellness expert and Biggest loser trainer Libby Babet shares her top tips on stay healthy in 2020.

Bondi’s Libby Babet entered the health & fitness world after discovering she had chronic hypertension (blood pressure three times the normal level).

Through diet and fitness, Libby was able to reverse those numbers with a lifestyle overhaul and is now a mum, author, presenter and founder of @BUFgirls @Chief_Bar @nurtureherretreat.

We chat with her on ways to stay healthy in the new year.

“Before I start, I want to confirm that by “diet” I do NOT mean restriction or rules, which cause more problems than they fix, I simply mean the kind of foods you choose to eat regularly.” Libby says.

“Food really is information and building blocks for your body supporting necessary functions like fortifying your immune system, creating hormones, firing up your brain, repairing your muscles, and so on.

So, choosing to put good quality information that’s packed with great stuff your body can use to build an amazing machine with is important.” She says.

Libby Babet exercising outdoors
Diet does NOT mean a restriction or rules when eating. Libby says.

These are her quick and easy health tips for busy people in 2020:


“Ditch packaged breakfast foods like cereal/muesli/toast/muffins and start your day with quality proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Something like an egg and some avocado with spinach and mushrooms drizzled with olive oil will fill your body with all the good stuff and make you feel amazing! Add a slice of grainy bread if you’ve been active or are extra hungry.

You could also make a veggie and fruit-packed smoothie, or if you’re super rushed just grab some whole fruit and nuts or Greek yoghurt.

Lunch & Dinner

When it comes to lunch and dinner, don’t over complicate things – fill just over half your plate with veggies and/or salad, then for the rest add a little good quality fat and some protein and/or whole carbs (such as roasted starchy veg, rice, etc). Make it colourful and fresh!

For snacking, either keep it fresh with fruit, nuts, veggies, hummus. Or, if you’re busy and on the run, learn to read a nutrition panel and make educated choices – low sugar, low salt, few ingredients, no chemicals.

Libby Babet chats about ways on staying healthy in 2020
Keep it simple, easy and fresh and you’ll be good for 2020.

If you’re still confused, I created the perfect snack-sized product just to fill this gap (and I eat it literally every day). It’s called Beauty Food and it literally tastes like a cookie, but is super healthy.

Limit eating and drinking calories after dinner. I use the “1, 2” rule… 1 or 2 serves, once or twice a week. Choose herbal tea other nights.”

Rebecca Wilkinson

Beauty Editor

Rebecca is a freelance content creator and beauty editor for Bondi Beauty. She is a pescatarian, who may yet become vegan. She loves all things beauty, health & travel, has a weakness for coffee and is obsessed with cats and yoga. If she's not answering her mobile - it's probably because she's trying out the latest beauty trend, like massaging crushed pearls into her skin for the ultimate collagen and vitamin boost to skin cells.

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