5 Guilty Pleasures you need now

We all need a guilty pleasure once in a while. Here are five of our favourites for you, from the Bondi Beauty Office.

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Everyone needs an indulgence once in a while, these gorgeous Sydney fitness models were snapped having a sugar fix.

1) Ugg Boots Outside The House.

OK, so they may not be considered the most fashionable accessory, but ugg boots are one of life’s ultimate indulgences.

I have just discovered Emu waterproof sheepskin  boots – yes, that’s right, they can cope with a walk in the rain with no issue.

The ultimate guilty pleasure is my Emu boots and my swimsuit, straight after a swim at Bondi Icebergs.

2) Chocolate.
We know it puts in weight, we know we shouldn’t eat it at night, and we know we shouldn’t eat much of it at all, but lets be honest – there’s days when it is a necessity.

I personally cannot resist dark chocolate dipped almonds and macadamias, and just about any chocolate with crunchy caramel. (If you want to watch your weight, eat chocolate whilst wearing a swimsuit – it’s slightly crazy, but it works).

3) Faking a sick day 
Who hasn’t faked a sick day? Once in a blue moon, maybe once a year, it’s a pleasure we all need, just cover your tracks.

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Bondi Beauty Founder Renae trying out her sheepskin Emu boots in Double Bay for a Friday afternoon guilty pleasure.

4) Missing your workout & sleeping in
You’ve planned it, it’s not raining, but you want, not need a sleep-in, so do it. Like Nike yes you can just do it (the work out) tomorrow.

5) Watching the bachelor to understand the social media commentary.
The actual show pales next to some of the amazing social media commentary on The Bachelor, which is such great, mindless  entertainment – and the focus of water cooler conversation just about every day right now.

6) Staying in to watch Netflix instead of going out with your friends
We all love our friends and getting dressed up, and gossiping, but sometimes you just need to say no and be selfish. Netflix always loves you back.

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Renae Leith-Manos

Editor and Founder of Bondi Beauty

Renae Leith-Manos loves fitness, new beauty products, long chats and long flights. She is at her best when traveling the world writing about luxury hotels and Michelin Star restaurants (www.renaesworld.com.au). She has had a colourful media career as a journalist inmagazines and newspapers, in Australia and Asia. She spends her time writing, cooking, consulting to new businesses, running and working out.

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