Why Red Wine Should Be Your Go-To Drink

New study finds red wine is good for gut health, making a having a glass of red a day a whole lot better.

Having good gut health is increasingly becoming an important issue for many. And now, a new study has found that having a glass of red wine a day can significantly improve gut health.

The new 2019 study, conducted by the King’s College London and published in the Gastroenterology Journal, analysed the effects that red wine, white wine, beer, cider and spirits had on the gut microbiome.

Studying a group of 916 female twins in the United Kingdom, as well as groups in the Netherlands and the U.S, they found that red wine drinkers had “increased gut microbiota diversity,” compared to those who regularly drank other types of alcoholic beverages.

And even when diet, wealth, age and socioeconomic status came into play, the study still revealed that red wine was better for gut health.

Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid drinking red wine
We all love a red, and now, a new study has found a glass a day can be beneficial for good gut health

Increased gut microbiota diversity means the gut has a higher number of different bacterial species, which can be a sign of good gut heath. And while bacteria are often seen as a negative health concern, when it comes to the gut, it’s often the opposite.

Having a diverse range of gut microbiota, which is the trillions of tiny microorganisms found in the lower intestine, can have a significant impact on one’s overall health, says Healthline.

From affecting the immune system, mood, mental health, obesity levels and skin conditions, these microbiota impact almost the entire body, making gut health an important factor everyone should consider. Click here for more information on why gut health is so important (link to BB article)

The study further revealed that red wine consumption is linked to lower levels of obesity and harmful cholesterol, both of which are also partly related to gut microbiota.

But why is red wine better?

It’s also to do with the antioxidants and beneficial properties found in red wine.

 According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, red wine is high in polyphenols, which are the defence chemicals that are naturally found in fruits and vegetables. This has a whole range of benefits for the body, including acting as a fuel for the gut microbes, while also keeping the good bacteria, otherwise known as probiotics, balanced.

Woman holding red wine
Red wine is high in polyphenols, which helps to keep the good bacteria in the gut balanced

Lead author of the study, Professor Tim Spector, further said, “this is one of the largest ever studies to explore the effects of red wine in the guts of nearly three thousand people in three different countries.”

“[It] provides insights that the high levels of polyphenols in the grape skin could be responsible for much of the controversial health benefits when used in moderation”

How much red wine needs to be drunk to see benefits?

The authors of the study stressed that alcohol should always be consumed in moderation, and by doing so, it was still possible to gain the good gut health benefits.

“Drinking red wine rarely, such as once every two weeks, seems to be enough to observe an effect,” said Dr. Caroline Le Roy who also worked on the study.

“If you must choose on alcoholic drink today, red wine is the one to pick”

Want more benefits of drinking wine? Click here to read about the scientists claiming a glass of wine a day can keep depression at bay.

Zoe Bradbury

Zoe is a self-confessed health and fitness fanatic. She loves working out and being active, almost as much as she loves going out for brunch and eating avo toast. If she’s not in the gym, you’ll usually find her online shopping, buying something she definitely does not need, or updating her Pinterest board with travel and adventure ideas for the future. Her other loves include dark chocolate, coffee and cats, all enjoyed while watching bad (or really good?) reality TV

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