Get Your Body Back In 14 Days

Sydney PT Rachel Livingstone has a 14 day BB Guide to revive your body and set yourself up for a healthy 2017.

One step each day for 14 days to not only revive you for the new year but create a total health and wellbeing program to keep you at your best for 2017.
Day 1. Drink 2 litres of water per day minimum – slowly over the day for complete hydration without bathroom dashes
Day 2. Eat 2 pieces of fruit and no more – low GI and skins on is best
Day 3. Get active each day – a 15 minute walk at lunchtime, dancing on Saturday night, body surfing at the beach, or join an F45 class
Day 4. Add 3 serves of veggies – a handful of kale in your protein smoothie, a slice of lettuce and cucumber in your sandwich and grated carrot or zucchini in your bolognase.
Day 5. Timeout for your brain – for 10 minutes daily, close your eyes and listen to music, meditate, sit in a park, or watch the ocean
Day 6. Check diet for lean proteins – dependent on taste and health concerns, fish, white meat, nuts and beans
Day 7. Analyse exercise plan – aerobic for your heart and lungs, strength for your bones and tone, core for your posture and flat tum, stretching for your flexibility
Day 8. Amount and quality of grains – eat cabs according to your energy requirements, opting for low GI whole grains
Day 9. Limit alcohol consumption – keep to a maximum of 2-3 drinks per day and 2-3 alcohol-free days per week
Day 10. Assess work life – your work supports good health and a balanced life, are you engaged and fulfilled or in need of a new role, direction or study?
Day 11. Reduce processed food – look at the ingredients list, the shorter the list the better, the least recognisable items are the worse
Day 12.Limit sedentary lifestyle – even those who exercise are at risk of serious disease because 2-3 exercise sessions per week cannot offset 10 hours sitting every day at work
Day 13. Keep it fun – call a friend you haven’t seen in a while, arrange a social event or try something new
Day 14. Pay it forward – volunteering and charity work, an act of kindness for a stranger or favour for a friend to feed your soul
Anytime you fall off the wagon, or feel less than your best self, in mind body or spirit, work your way through the steps again and you will realise which aspect of your health and wellbeing you are not taking care of, making it easier to get back on track.

By Rachel Livingstone Personal Trainer & Owner of The Health Hub

Rachel Livingstone

Rachel is a PT and Maternal Health specialist who found the gym at 14 through her weight lifting dad and never looked back. Originally from the UK she finally settled her wanderlusting feet on the shores of Sydney and can often be found on the back of a paddleboard exploring Rose Bay and the beautiful harbour.

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