Lola Berry’s Tips for Getting Started on Your Yoga Journey

lola berry yoga

Want to start yoga but don’t know where to begin from home?

Aussie yogi Lola Berry shares her tips on how to start your yoga journey.

Lola Berry is Australia’s go to expert on yoga and nutrition and is truly dedicated to improving the lives of her followers with her tips on health and happiness. With 10 published cookbooks on clean eating, yoga and beauty, Lola is a wealth of knowledge on how to feel your best inside and out.

Yogi, Author and Nutritionist Lola Berry
Image from Instagram @yummololaberry

Yoga is the ideal isolation practice for keeping a strong body and mind, and the internet has gone wild with virtual classes, apps and video demonstrations. If you are new to yoga but don’t quite know how to get started, Aussie yogi Lola Berry gave Bondi Beauty her best tips for yoga beginners.

Here are Lola’s top 5 tips for yoga beginners:

1. Watch a beginner’s class

Watching a simple beginner’s tutorial is the ideal first step – don’t overwhelm yourself by diving into the deep end of difficult poses and complicated flows. Start simple and build your way up – the satisfaction of slowly improving and learning will make you feel incredible.

On my Yoga Vlog I have a simple morning yoga flow demo, a tutorial on Yin Yoga for beginners, and also a Q & A for beginners where I answer frequently asked questions on yoga and how to get started.

2. Don’t worry about not being flexible

I still struggle to do a headstand, let alone a handstand! Yoga doesn’t have to be about showy, difficult poses that require insane flexibility or balance.

Yoga is simply about connecting the body and the mind through movement and breath – start slow and your flexibility, strength and confidence will improve over time.

3. Use props

Props bring the ground closer to you and make like a hell of a lot easier when starting out.

Many people give up because they think a pose is too hard. Your body will need time to adjust to the new style of movements so using blocks, straps, and bolsters will help you ease your way in. Substitute home items if you don’t own these – a thick solid book or box instead of blocks, a pillow instead of a bolster, old strips of solid fabric for straps – get creative!

Head to the 4 minute mark of my beginners Q & A for a quick demo.

4. Enjoy it!

Experiment with different styles and instructors to find a way to practice that you love and will look forward to each day. There is so much variation in practice and with a bit of research and experimentation you will no doubt find one that suits you and your body.

5. Have a laugh

You don’t have to look like a perfect ballerina or fold yourself like a pretzel! Be able to laugh at yourself if you can’t quite get a pose right, it’s all about trying new things and moving the body.

Find a friend or family member who is at the same level as you and do a Facetime session together, or try some couples yoga poses with someone from your household as a fun daily challenge.

Yoga is amazing for the body, mind and soul and in times like these everyone is in need of some grounding. Find a way to practice yoga that you will love, and in time your strength, flexibility and confidence will skyrocket.

Never be afraid to try something new. Every mistake and every opportunity to brand out is a learning curve, and right now if the perfect time to learn and grow. Lola’s new podcast, “Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry” is all about giving life your best go, learning from failures and living with fearlessness, self-love and gratitude.

For more from Lola, check out her Instagram or website where she shares her yoga demos, recipes, health tips and more.   

Sarah Carroll

Sarah navigates health and fitness alongside a sinful sweet tooth and an unfortunate tendency to splash her savings online shopping, eating out or buying $10 cocktails at happy hour. With a love for yoga, animals and musical theatre, Sarah is rarely found without a peppermint-green tea in hand, tearing up over animal videos on Instagram.

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