Why Your Dog Makes the Best Personal Trainer

Why exercising with your dog is the best thing for you

Wanting to get out and exercise but need someone to motivate you? Taking your dog with you may be the answer you’re looking for.

Think outside the square and you may realise the perfect training partner might have been sitting beside you, looking longingly towards his lead.

According to urban myth, training partners are for beef cake guys at the gym who need to spot each other when lifting heavy weights. Forget that, a training partner is ‘anyone’ (or any animal) who motivates you to show up for an exercise session and helps you get the most out of that workout.

Working out with your dog is great both mentally and physically. Not only are you killing two birds with one stone exercising you and your pup but you are forging stronger emotional bonds with your furry best friend.

Even apartment and city living doesn’t deter people from getting a pup, although it does increase the need for their conscious exercise when there is no backyard or countryside for them to bound around.

The rise of the pet paunch is nearly as disturbing as the human obesity epidemic. Do both of you a favour, instead of merely walking around the block once or taking your dog to your local brunch spot, think about taking them out for some real competitive exercise and race each other around 5 blocks not one.

Reward your pet for dragging you out of bed with new adventures to dog friendly beaches and parks. Try running some off the leash circuits at Centennial Park or at St. Peters Sydney Park. Try some resistance training on the dog friendly beach.

Try running some laps around one of Sydney’s largest off leash dog parks, Sydney Park in St Peters.

A dog waiting at your front door for his morning walk is nearly as good as an appointment with a personal trainer. Once up and out, make the most of it and give your canine training partner a run for his money.

You will enjoy a trimmer waistline, more toned bum and highs, better heart and lung health, stronger bones, improved balance and coordination, a boost of vitamin D and a lift in mood that could change your day. And you will be taking care of the health of your loyal hound too.

Believe me you will never find a fitness partner who will be so excited to get outside or who gives you the most gross motivational licks to the face.

By Rachel Livingstone Personal Trainer & Owner of The Health Hub 

Rachel Livingstone

Rachel is a PT and Maternal Health specialist who found the gym at 14 through her weight lifting dad and never looked back. Originally from the UK she finally settled her wanderlusting feet on the shores of Sydney and can often be found on the back of a paddleboard exploring Rose Bay and the beautiful harbour.

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